Just putting this in its proper place sherman...then Im re-locking it
Hitler was never elected to anything in germany. read the following, and you'll understand why.
When the Nazis were elected the largest party in the Reichstag (July, 1932), Hindenburg offered Hitler a subordinate position in the cabinet. Hitler held out for the chief post and for sweeping powers. The chancellorship went instead to Kurt von Schleicher , who resigned on Jan. 28, 1933. Amid collapsing parliamentary government and pitched battles between Nazis and Communists, Hindenburg, on the urging of von Papen, called Hitler to be chancellor of a coalition cabinet, refusing him extraordinary powers. Supported by Alfred Hugenberg , Hitler took office on Jan. 30.
Germany's new ruler was a master of Machiavellian politics. Hitler feared plots, and firmly believed in his mission to achieve the supremacy of the so-called Aryan race, which he termed the ³master race.² Having legally come to power, he used brutality and subversion to carry out a ³creeping coup² to transform the state into his dictatorship. He blamed the Communists for a fire in the Reichstag on Feb. 27, and by fanning anti-Communist hysteria the Nazis and Nationalists won a bare majority of Reichstag seats in the elections of Mar. 5. After the Communists had been barred, and amid a display of storm trooper strength, the Reichstag voted to give Hitler dictatorial powers.
He came in by appointment: he seized power when it was given to him by the reichstag. The only time he ran for anything in Germany, such as the presidency, he was defeated.
thats the way it went. The democratic process, controlled by the vote of people, would have kept him out of power
had there been one bone of integrity in the officials the people elected. It was the actions of a
select few,
far from a democratic process, that put him in the position of dictator:
And as far as the notion that he was the product of a democratic process i say nay: his power and rise was the byproduct of fear: Fear from elected officials of his power, and their appeasment attempts to placate him. Its sucks, but thats it. Democracy may have allowed him to survive and fluorish, with the attempts at freedoms from the republic that allowed him to spread his "truths" but it did not put him into power. PM me if you think im wrong.
go here if you want a concise history.