Worst Current Issue Weapon(Rifle or Pistol)

Yeah I shouldn't have said "terrible" weapon. I mean it kills people just as good as any rifle.

But the one complaint that I have seen, and my fellow Marines say: "It sucks at long range"

As for the XM-8 that is a huge weapon, and I'm not to crazy about the 20mm launcher above the barrel. My issue with that is... "I have only been in 2 firefights in my Marine Corps career. One when I used 3 rounds of 9mm ammo, and one were I used 17 M-16 rounds. I just do not see the need for such a huge caliber weapon on the standard infantry weapon. Personally I didn't like the 37mm launcher on the M-16.

Has anyone ever had the need to use the 37mm launcher on the M-16?? I shot it a couple of times, and it has a nice explosion to it :)
USMC Johnny said:
As for the XM-8 that is a huge weapon, and I'm not to crazy about the 20mm launcher above the barrel.

Actually, LCpl, the XM-8 is the salvaged portion of the OICW project (the monstrosity you are referring to :lol: , with the 20mm proximity superman grenade launcher). Not trying to defend it at all, it's killing what little range we have left with its 12.5" barrel. However one plus is the XM-330 40mm grenade launcher attachment (replacement to the M-203), which I think is a great improvement, it's breech swings open to the side, allowing much quicker and easier access than the M-203 (which I ran into problems with getting the breech closed once a round was in place, although it was the first and last time I used it, so maybe it was more an experience issue).
I personally like the M16/M4. I don't know why people whine about jamming; I've never had my own CAR 15 jam on me. ever. I keep all of my weapons well maintained, and in turn I've never had a malfunction.
The M203, is a 40mm grenade launcher, not 37. once you get used to it it is a great weapon. The XM8 does not have a 20mm on top of it. You are thinking of of the OICW. Which is a huge ****ing weapon. The XM8 is the 5.56 component of the future OICW, which the Army rejected because it was too big. http://www.hk-usa.com/pages/military-le/rifles-carbines/xm8.html

This should answer any questions you might have.

The Military needs to Deep-6 the 5.56 round and go to a larger caliber assault rifle round.
The Military needs to Deep-6 the 5.56 round and go to a larger caliber assault rifle round.

No-go on that for the next several years. It would put too many lives at risk. They should continue working on improvements with the 5.56, IMO.
The age old question of what is best.

If you ask this of anybody, you are at best, opening a can of worms.
If you go into a gun club and shout at the top of your lungs that automatics are better than revolvers, chances are someone's gonna verbally tackle you.

Me? I like a lot of weapons, G3, AK/MK, AR, it don't matter to me much. My requirements for a weapon is that when I put the sights on my target and pull the trigger, the bullet will leave the barrel and travel into the target where I put my sights. Repeat as necessary.

My dream weapon would fire around corners, be recoil-free, assure first-round kills, identify friend-foe (for me), clean itself, have caseless ammo that weighed nothing, cook me dinner, get me a beer and have sex with me until I passed out.

But it probably won't happen. We will probably never see the 1911 back in service again. We will most assuredly be forced to deal with a plastic piece of Buck-Rodgers bullsh@#!. We will probably never get exactly what we need at the exact moment we need it.

It's just how it goes.

Um .. ooookay. :?

Me? I like a lot of weapons, G3, AK/MK, AR, it don't matter to me much. My requirements for a weapon is that when I put the sights on my target and pull the trigger, the bullet will leave the barrel and travel into the target where I put my sights. Repeat as necessary.

This sounds like a comment from someone without very much operational experience. But, since you didn't read the forum rules and give us an intro - who's to know. ;)
I can't speak for the worst weapon, I haven't fired all of the worst weapons. I am usually given pretty well maintained weapons. If they aren't up to my personal standards, I try to work on it until it's going to provide me with the reliability that I need.

I am not allowed to emplace my own inner workings for the M4 I have to use, but the outside components are pretty much fair game.

The worst weapon that I was ever issued was my first M16 in basic training. After that I vowed that I would keep my weapon in the best condition possible. I try to maintain the best standards I can as an example to those I lead, this especially shows in how I emphasize weapons maintenance, marksmanship training and tactical employment of our varied weapon systems.

I don't have an opinion of the worst weapons, I don't use any of them, of that much I am sure.

By the way, I have posted an introduction.
The one major thing that I forgot to mention is. No matter how bad your weapon maybe.

A dirty weapon will not work, despite the fact that I hated the M-16, I keep that ***** as clean as I could, because I knew that my life depended on that weapon firing.

That is the one thing that we can all agree on, weapons must be clean to work.
when you're talkin here about the disadvantages of the M16s,is not the advantage of the smaller "kick" in compare to 7,62 ammo for example(AK etc.)?I haven¨t shot with these weapons so i am just asking..
Why would a new round put lives at risk Rndr? I can't figure that one out. Either that or replace the powder with something a little more clean burning so that the chamber doesn't get all gunked up. That is supposed to be the advantage of the XM8 the hot gases do not enter the chamber to re-**** the weapon. It has some kind of piston system. But I have a feeling that the XM8's piston system would be harder to clean.,
The M240B uses a gas-piston system that works pretty reliably. I don't see any problem with that being applied to a smaller weapon.

At any rate, I was thinking about it, the worst issued weapon I have ever seen would be the K1 and K2 fielded by the Korean Army. They don't hold up very well to constant use by conscripts. Although all of the ones I saw were pretty well maintained, the thing looks like it's just two stamped steel halves seam-welded together.

I could actually see these big grooves worn into the interior of the receiver from where the bolt wore on it. Makes the whole thing rattle around horribly. I am not sure, but the bolt carrier might be a harder metal than the receiver. If anybody has a different experience with these things, let me know... personally they looked pretty bad though.
JaegerWolf08 said:
Why would a new round put lives at risk Rndr? I can't figure that one out. Either that or replace the powder with something a little more clean burning so that the chamber doesn't get all gunked up. That is supposed to be the advantage of the XM8 the hot gases do not enter the chamber to re-c**k the weapon. It has some kind of piston system. But I have a feeling that the XM8's piston system would be harder to clean.,

In the case of the 6.8x43mm SPC:

No one else in the world will be using the round, much less the majority of the US military. For a unit like SF, which may have to take months of supplies in when they infil, this is a critical deficiency. We have sold NATO on the 7.62x51 and the 5.56x45 NATO cartridges in the past as standards against their will. I do not see them, in a time of declining defense budgets, adopting a new round while they have billions of 7.62 and 5.56 ammo and hundreds of thousands of weapons in the old calibers.

Also, don't forget, because it will be rare - anyone that uses it is going to be leaving a very distinct mark. For an HVT like SOF, which is seriously hunted by the Bad Guys, this is more than a minor concern. The unit scattering these expended cases behind them will soon have a new group of motivated fans following them with hostile intent.

The round has not been field tested for numerous parameters, and is even now still being tweaked.

This is mainly from an SOF perspective, but you can twist it around and apply it to our conventional fellas as well. We know how slow the Army can be at getting the new toys out to everyone. Try running over to the nearest unit and ask for some spare 6.8 ammo. How about using the extra SAW ammo then, opps does not match either.

I much prefer the 5.56 and 7.62. Instead of wasting money on something that isn't really a viable option, or won't be for another 5 to 10 years, we should focus on improving what we do have, IMO.
What would you do to improve it?

Better question, what can be done to improve it?

Mod edit: Jaeger, don't make multiple back-to-back posts, include everything in your first post or edit in new information to prevent clutter here.
JaegerWolf08 said:
Better question, what can be done to improve it?

Sorry, Jaeger - the thread got buried below a pile of others and I forgot it was here.

Two types of combat failures:
One- the round not downing a bad guy.
Two - the shooter not hitting what he is shooting at.

While the first is actually a relatively rare event, the second occurs all too often.

My suggestion would be big Army goes to the 77gr. cannelured 5.56 bullet. It is my belief that you would find a much better solution to soldiers hitting and killing bad guys in going to the 77 gr. bullet with sufficient quantities for all soldiers to shoot monthly, a good low powered optical sight, new ranges (indoor at BDE/BN level?), and well-qualified marksmanship training at a variety of KD and unknown ranges under varying conditions.
The Berretta is not a bad gun.

And yes the 1911 is a great gun, but it has it's good and bad parts.

92F Berretta

Pro: Accuracy, Clip Size, and the "double tap ability"
Cons: 9mm Cal, Plastic feeling

.45 1911

Pro: .45 Cal, 1 Shot and you are on your ass, a real metal feel to it.
Cons: Clip Size, Accuracy, and the action likes to bite you.

It is basically your choice for your side arm. I like them both, and think that there should be a meeting half way... .40 Cal handgun would be fantastic.

Those are views from a Jarhead, take it or leave it.