First off there is no magic on the battlefield, that's why they call it military science. The M-16 was a good rifel in its time, but it was time for a replacement in the 90s and now, finally, it is looking like the military will take the step in 2005.
The whole point is that the armed forces should take every step to outclass an oponent so the least number of our guys have to die. Making the playing field even is wrong wrong wrong. If I get mugged by a guy with a knife I'm going to shoot him, I don't want to be on an even playing field with that guy, I want to live! The U.S. miltiary has the funds. We can create all these other phenomenal pieces of technology for all the supporting forces yet when it comes to the men that do all the dying on the field we don't give them the same treatment. That is not a good doctorine and the U.S. infantry deserves to get the upgrades all the other forces have been bennifiting from for the past 60 years.