godofthunder9010 said:
Well for one thing, I never said that his views are the views of everyone. For another, can you think of ANY position that is more the ultimate representative of the United States of America than it's President?? Let me know if you think of one.
No, I canNOT. that is exactly the sad part, and you guys need to change the sadness!
godofthunder9010 said:
If you're so absolute about a thing, why bother bringing it up so much? You'd have to come up with better reasons if it is your purpose to convert the rest of the forum to the Bush hating side of things.
Oh, somebody else asked me this question.
I think, as internationlism, it is my responsibility to save people from being American nationalism--which is most dangerous thing threatening world peace at this moment, and it is premoted by GWBush.
And I will argue same hard with other Chinese nationalism, Rusisan nationalism, Indian nationalism too.......but obviously, American's nationalism is the worst, it is totally refected sometime in this forum. I been China, Russia, Europe, Hongkong, pass Japan for conference, I never seen any other country has such serious problem, If you have
ever been to SD, GA, AL, TX for July 4th, that is really scary!!
One of the most obvious is that American are absessed about the soldiers casuaties, why not think about civilian death in Iraq? is there anybody even think about that except me? many other examples, don't have such time to list one by one, you guys figure it out yourselves.
I dont response to your inflame part, i am not going to get into your trap :lol: :lol: