Why Does Adoption Cost So @#$%@#$ Much??

03USMC said:
Try contacting an in country Service or Orphanage. It looks to me like the Guatemalteco Lawyer is soaking you. Check with some of the Church run institutions, Dominicans, Franscians etc. Have them recommend an in country Attorney . Church Organizations are generally more concerned in placing children as opposed to making money. Although donations are appericated.

Look into filing the INS now ICE paperwork yourself. It looks like your getting hit with a premium charge for having the Agency do it. You may have to make a Couple trips too the country of origin to compile the required paperwork Birth Certificate, etc. But that maybe faster and less costly. Also check out Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaruga. I work on almost a daily basis with ICE agents so if you have any questions concerning that side I can probably get you an answer.
By all means, tell me everything you know!!

I primarily am whining and complaining about how unfair life is, but have the alterior motive of finding out if there is some way to cut lower the expense of it all, and if anyone has any information that can help, let me know. Most of the Church related organizations I've found can save you in costs but you end up waiting longer. I'd love to learn anything possible to outsmart the system. As was stated by rOk, "These things should be free or almost next to costing nothing... "

I appreciate all the comments offered thusfar too. Its one of those topics that very few people know at any depth, and it is good to discuss so that I myself and everyone interested have the best possible understanding.
Basically the reason you wait longer with the Church run organizations is that it is saving you money. The agencies are upping their costs and the lawyers too to make money. As you said 5500.00 dollars for a Lawyer in Guatelmala City is fat cash. But he can grease the wheels...read bribe officials to expedite paperwork etc.

The Religious Orders that run the Orphanages in Latin America can generally point you in the direction of a reputable lawyer sin the big firm overhead that ones the American Companies use. More than likely he can do the same job for less money and less time because he'll be more motivated after all lawyers in Latin America generally make far less than those in the US. So a street lawyer with 1500.00 or 2000.00 bucks is motivated even if he spends 400.00 of it greasing the wheels.

You should be able to file all Visa applications by yourself. I'll talk with some of the ICE guys and get you a price. But too me I'm betting that the Fee list you have also pays a Stateside Immigration Attorney a filing fee on each I-Form you file as well as ICE's normal cost.
It shouldn't cost that much money, but bureaucracy, and other things, basically you should adopt children under ten years old, but there is no reason for not wanting the baby that you can raise. In my opinion too many people want to adopt babies, and instead of going through an established agency that has recieved certification from the federal/state government, They go to the source, the mother, who can and will easily change her mind plus take your money.
03USMC said:
Basically the reason you wait longer with the Church run organizations is that it is saving you money. The agencies are upping their costs and the lawyers too to make money. As you said 5500.00 dollars for a Lawyer in Guatelmala City is fat cash. But he can grease the wheels...read bribe officials to expedite paperwork etc.

The Religious Orders that run the Orphanages in Latin America can generally point you in the direction of a reputable lawyer sin the big firm overhead that ones the American Companies use. More than likely he can do the same job for less money and less time because he'll be more motivated after all lawyers in Latin America generally make far less than those in the US. So a street lawyer with 1500.00 or 2000.00 bucks is motivated even if he spends 400.00 of it greasing the wheels.

You should be able to file all Visa applications by yourself. I'll talk with some of the ICE guys and get you a price. But too me I'm betting that the Fee list you have also pays a Stateside Immigration Attorney a filing fee on each I-Form you file as well as ICE's normal cost.
To be perfectly honest, that site was one that I pulled up purely for the sake of offering an example that happens to include some itemized numbers of where all the money goes. We are not considering going through that particular agency, but it is a good page because most of the agencies' websites quite thoroughly bury the details. It also is a great example because $20,000 is a good average from what we've seen thusfar. Actually, the average seems to be more toward $30,000 but you get the idea. I do very much appreciate the suggestions and information. If you know that you must endure the whole ugly process, the more you know the less it hurts!

Sea_Cadet said:
They go to the source, the mother, who can and will easily change her mind plus take your money.
One thing that I was thinking about to get around that possible dilema: China. Those parents who abandon baby girls in hopes of having a son instead ... they're not in any position to take legal action to try to reclaim their daughters, are they? Especially if they have since had a son, right? China is also less likely to require a bunch of bribes and things of that sort. China is more likely to do something in the way of preventing or treating illness as well. However there are probably fewer organizations run by religious organizations within China itself, but I'm only guessing on that. If that is true, you're at the mercy of the Chinese bureacracy. No idea what to expect from that, but at least there seems to be almost no liklihood of the mother/parents suing for custody later on. From what I've found, the one thing that is virtually impossible from China: Adopting a Boy. (That's fine by me!)
The worst possible place to adopt from, if you're worried about the mother suing for custody, is from within the United States itself.
godofthunder9010 said:
My wife and I are one of those lucky couples that, due to medical crap that happened, cannot have children the good old-fashioned way. So we were looking at the options for adopting earlier today and my mind is still reeling from what we find (again we looked into it before too).
This source gives you lovely news: http://www.bucknerinternationaladoption.org/countries/guatemalafee.pdf
The cost for adopting one child? $18,830 - $19,080 based on that site.
This site has a specifc case discussed: http://www.rightonthemoney.org/shows/418_adopt2/show_418.html
adoption.com and adoption.org both give you estimated costs of up to $50,000. So why the h**l is it so bloody expensive? It seems like it ought to be pretty straightforward. X biological mother as a child she doesn't want and would like to give away. Couple Y adopt the child. So what the h**l costs $20,000+ in that process?

It is wrong how much money it costs to in essence "buy" a child. That is what it seems like to me anyhow. They have so many children that need loving homes - homes in general - and they are alieninating some couples with the amount of money it costs. To me it seems like one is BUYING a child. That is what so much money tells me anyhow.

I know the adoption agencies try very hard to do all that is possible to find good homes for these kids but just because someone can't spend X amount of money to adopt a child doesn't make them a bad option - not at all! I'm sure there are a lot of children out there that would love a permeant family that loved them rather some family that was well endowed with cash. (This is what I get from it anyhow...we had a very good family member adopt a little girl...she is getting her second one soon too!)

GodofThunder.... I wish you all the best in your search to adopt a child and I'm very sorry you and your wife are not able to have your own. The way you phrased this post though I'm sure that child will be very well loved!

God Bless,
i think they may be thinking "if they can pay for all this shit, they could probably give the kid some nice crap once they got him"
course, thats if theyre not in it for the $$$$$$$
I'm sure they are thinking something along those lines. Its very naive though. Wealth and money doesn't equate to being a good parent. Rich people can make lousy parents or great parents. Wealth doesn't tell you which it will be. Many middle class to poor income couples can be the best parents you can hope for. Either way, (in the case of Internation Adoption especially) the adopted child's life vastly improves over what it would have been.
godofthunder9010 said:
I'm sure they are thinking something along those lines. Its very naive though. Wealth and money doesn't equate to being a good parent. Rich people can make lousy parents or great parents. Wealth doesn't tell you which it will be. Either way, (in the case of Internation Adoption especially) the adopted child's life vastly improves over what it would have been.

100% agree.
My mind runs in odd directions as I try to think of how to fix the problem. At first my mind wanders toward some of the sources of the trouble: Abortion, scarcity of infants and legal fees.

I think, "Hey, maybe there could be a an interlinked system between abortions and adoptions that would limit the number of abortions? Or may somehow force the system to be required to fill all approved adoption requests?" But then I come to my senses and realize what a total fiasco that would be in current political climate.

The only other thing that comes to mind is having something done to drastically reduce the legal fees by massively uncomplicating the legal process of adoption. For one thing, it would be nice to have no reason to sever all ties and try to erase all record of the child's history only because the biological mother can try to regain custody. It would be better if the legal status made contact with the mother less risky in that regard. I believe that letting the birth mother to be some part of her child's life should be available and not so scary.
Regardless of what it costs to adopt, you're buying a baby a life that it wouldn't be able to live otherwise. The bureaucrats are the ones who are controlling the price, not the parent/guardian or child.
Missileer said:
Regardless of what it costs to adopt, you're buying a baby a life that it wouldn't be able to live otherwise. The bureaucrats are the ones who are controlling the price, not the parent/guardian or child.
No argument there. 95% of the cost is completely unnecessary.
I have read through this and absolutely appalled at some of the things that have been implied. Would any of you whine about the cost if it was your "real child"? Has anybody priced a delivery, with the cost of meds, drugs, complications, etc? It is pretty darn expensive. If you are wanting a child as bad as you say then cost should not be an issue. They are a h*ll of a lot more expensive once you get them home. We just spent $140 on medicine for my daughter. What for you may ask. Only an ear infection and her asthma medicine. I would have gladly dropped 10 times more then that if it was something to make my daughter better. Not to mention the diapers, formula, clothes, toys, enrollment fees for school, car when they get older, prom, graduation.....need I go on?
Next, I don't think that a woman wants to just "give her child away" or "doesn't want it." When I was 16 I had a son that I put up for adoption. Not because I wanted too but because I knew that was what was best for him. I could not take care of him, decided not to have an abortion and gave him the best that I could at that time. So that is not only an incorrect way of thinking but a really hateful thing to say. God forbid you do get a child and tell him or her "Your real mom didn't want you so we had to spend way too much money to buy you." Please! I thank my lucky stars that the couple that adopted my baby are as great and loving as they are not only to him but to me and mine also.
I don't think anyone was debating or complaining on how much a child "costs" while they are being raised. I think the comments were towards how much money it costs to in essence BUY them. That money could be spent towards the child's welfare and NOT be used to "buy" them.

Also...there are many mothers AND fathers who don't want their children. Why do you think abortion is so prevelant also? Adoption may be for those who have kids at such a young age they can't take care of them but it's also for parents that don't want their children.

Why do you think China is being over run with female children? It's because their parents don't want them. --- As cruel as it is. THEY DON'T WANT THEM.

Also, this is in no way meant to be an attack on you, but I've always wondered...those people that have given up a child for adoption and then gone on to have more children...how does one do it? How can you pick and choose which child...same with mothers who have had abortions. ((I am well aware there are certain issues with these two subjects that would force the parents to decide for these issues, but disreguard those parts)).
nellebelle said:
When I was 16 I had a son that I put up for adoption. Not because I wanted too but because I knew that was what was best for him. I could not take care of him, decided not to have an abortion and gave him the best that I could at that time.

I say, you are old enough to have sex of your own reguard then you are old enough to take care of anyone that comes from that union of sex.

I had a friend who also was 16 when she had her child. She worked her A** off and that child may not have every toy in the world but he is loved and fed and can grow up with his mommy.

nellebelle said:
God forbid you do get a child and tell him or her "Your real mom didn't want you so we had to spend way too much money to buy you."

How DARE you imply this? After all the stuff that was said here. YOU obviously took it the wrong way. Don't rail at everyone here because YOU gave your child up for adoption. :x I think ANYONE who posted on this topic would be a GREAT and LOVING parent to ANY child. Adopted or otherwise. Do you know how many other people would be good parents that DON'T have the money to spend on "buying" children but could provide well for them? Some people just don't have 10,000 to set as a down payment. :x
You misunderstood what I wrote Serenity. I said that God forbid they have a child and tell them that. Not God forbid they have a child. I am not fighting that they would make great parents. I am saying that if the mentality is that adoption costs too much then what happens later when the kid wants a new pair of expensive shoes, clothes or wants to be sent to college. These things are going to end up costing a lot more in the long run. If there is b*itching and moaning about the cost of adoption now when having a child of your own would cost almost as much, minus the legal fees, then what will it be like later? The couple that adopted my child had to take out a second mortgage on their house cause it cost so much. I was very sick with him, was put into the hospital a week before he got here on strict bedrest (could only get up to take a shower every other day at most. Had to use a bedpan yuck :oops: ) had to take an ambulance ride to go to a different hospital, in a different town, pushed for 4 hours, then had to have an emergency c-section. They have never complained about the cost. They were happy to have a healthy child to love and to hold. They are a couple that can not have children "the old fashioned way" so they saw an opportunity to have a child, weighed out the pros and cons and decided that having a child was important enough to pay $30,000+ in dr bills, legal fees and such.
Now on to the next subject. You are right, when one has sex they are old enough to take on the responsibility. It amazes me that I am fighting this battle again. I fought it 10 years ago with a bunch of punk as* kids from high school and never thought I would be defending myself to another person who had the same holier then thou attitude. At 16 I was not able to provide for him the way that he needed. I was barely 16 (only by a couple of months), scared to death and had not the slightest clue what to do with a baby. Why did he deserved to be punished? Why not give him a great life with great parents that could support him in the way that he needed? My mother told me she would help raise him. I realized that it was not her responsibility to do so. His father was not in the picture enough to help out. We had used protection and bcp's every single time we had sex and well, sh*t happens. I took on the responsibility the best way that I knew how and that was by putting him up for adoption. At least I did not leave him in a trash can right? At least I did not go on welfare, which I could have, and sucked your tax dollars away. When I was 19 I got pregnant again (once again on birth control), I was in the military so I had a decent paying, steady job. I knew that the military would not let me fail as a mother. I was more prepared for having a child. I did not "pick and choose" what child I wanted. It was rather a circumstance thing. I resent that someone would ever say that I "did not want" the baby I put up for adoption or that I chose my children that I kept over him. I loved him with all of my heart and that is why I put him up for adoption. So that he could have a far better life then I could give him. And to think, if there were not people out there that had the same thought process as me then there would be no babies for others to adopt.
I am saying this with the utmost sincerity. I hope that you never find yourself in the same situation that I found myself in. To think that keeping a child and struggling to make it is loving a child more then giving it what it deserves by putting it up for adoption is an asinine way of thinking.
I am not trying to be a b*tch about the situation, I am simply trying to give the other perspective and let you guys know how cold hearted what you are saying sounds. That it costs to much to adopt a baby and take them out of something that could potentially affect them adversely for the rest of their lives. I never realized that their was a price on human life. I would think that the joy of walking in a spring shower holding your kiddos hand, planting flowers with them, reading a bedtime story "Just one more time mom/dad", and hearing that adorable giggle when something so simple that we take for granted makes them laugh would far outweigh any cost to get that child. If one was to find themselves pregnant after thinking that they could not get pregnant would they complain about the cost? I don't think so. So why complain about the cost of someone else having your baby and allowing you to raise it. That, to me, is the most honorable thing that could be done. Have a good day!! :D
nellebelle said:
I have read through this and absolutely appalled at some of the things that have been implied. Would any of you whine about the cost if it was your "real child"? Has anybody priced a delivery, with the cost of meds, drugs, complications, etc? It is pretty darn expensive. If you are wanting a child as bad as you say then cost should not be an issue.
Right, so lets just bump the price up to $100,000 since absolutely everybody has a spare $100,000 to spend. Pocket change!! One BIG underlying point is that 100% of the costs involved (especially for the examples cited) are not compensating the mother in any way, shape of fashion. They are fees paid to lawyers, foreign governments, American government agencies, the adoption agencies themselves, court fees, etc.

Out of curiosity, did you receive a payout compensating you for the medical costs of everything?? If you did, then good. I'm all in favor of it. But that is absolutely not the thing that drives the price up. For $30,000 we're talking about not even bothering with compensation of the biological mother at all, at least in most cases. Considering that, how much more does providing reimbursement to the mother cost?

They are a h*ll of a lot more expensive once you get them home. We just spent $140 on medicine for my daughter. What for you may ask. Only an ear infection and her asthma medicine. I would have gladly dropped 10 times more then that if it was something to make my daughter better. Not to mention the diapers, formula, clothes, toys, enrollment fees for school, car when they get older, prom, graduation.....need I go on?
Right, which all could have come out of the $30,000 you paid get through the adoption process. That's $30,000 that you just lose, without the option of using it on the adopted child.
Next, I don't think that a woman wants to just "give her child away" or "doesn't want it."
In China, baby girls turn up in dumsters every single day. Why? Because for a variety of reasons, the mother did not want the child. In fact, she did not want it badly enough to murder it. I think its pretty safe to say that a woman who abandons her child to die in similar fashion ... doesn't want her baby. Wouldn't you agree? Numerous examples exist of the same thing happening right here in the good ol' USA. Remember the story of the girl who had her baby at her High School Prom? She had the baby in the restroom, threw it in the trash (where the baby died) and continued to dance the night away. Do you honestly think that she wanted her baby?

Yes, there are most certainly cases where a mother really and truly does not want her baby. But in general, you are quite correct: Most mothers who put a baby up for adoption love their child and it is a terrible emotional decision for them. My heart goes out to them, each and every one of them.

When I was 16 I had a son that I put up for adoption. Not because I wanted too but because I knew that was what was best for him. I could not take care of him, decided not to have an abortion and gave him the best that I could at that time.
Good for you. That's the entire point that was being made, was it not? The baby is adopted by parents who can provide better for the child and have a stable marriage, thusly a good environment for a child to grow up in. I don't think that adoptive parents should be required to have the money on hand sufficient to buy their adoptive child a brand new BMW for the 16th birthday, should they? There is a word for what comes of that: Spoiled brat. God knows, we've got WAY too many of those in this country already.

So that is not only an incorrect way of thinking but a really hateful thing to say. God forbid you do get a child and tell him or her "Your real mom didn't want you so we had to spend way too much money to buy you." Please! I thank my lucky stars that the couple that adopted my baby are as great and loving as they are not only to him but to me and mine also.
That's a nice story, but I'm not following you when you say "that is not only an incorrect way of thinking but really hateful thing to say." What was a really hateful thing to say?????? :shock: :shock:

What kind of adoptive parents are going to b*tch and moan to their adopted child about "how much you cost and the fact that your mother never loved you." Where in the hell did that come from????? Well ... I sure as hell never said any such thing.

By the way, I'm 100% in favor of remaining in contact with the biological mother. The only reservation is the fact that it sometimes leads to the biological mother suing for custody several years after the baby is adopted. That's a large part of the reason that most adoptions are completely sealed in the courts and that it is a complete nightmare to ever contact the biologcal parents. I'd be 100% in favor of any suggestion that would make the situation more liveable for all parties involved.

I am saying that if the mentality is that adoption costs too much then what happens later when the kid wants a new pair of expensive shoes, clothes or wants to be sent to college. These things are going to end up costing a lot more in the long run. If there is b*itching and moaning about the cost of adoption now when having a child of your own would cost almost as much, minus the legal fees, then what will it be like later?
By that same standard, you end up banning about half the parents in America from ever having children. My wife and I make about $30,000 per year right now. Thank heavens we won't always be stuck in this income level!! But what about those that are stuck there? Essentially, if you cannot have children naturally, you can't have them period ... unless you make over X certain amount of money per year. If you make less than the required amount, you take out mortgages on homes, sell things, scrimp and save ... all to pay out a gigantic chunk of change that absolutely is not doing anything to improve the life of the child being adopted. Additionally, in most cases nothing is being done for the biological mother with all that money. So either the parents are pretty rich or the child is adopted into a family that went deeply into debt to adopt them. Considering that you are guaranteed to have plenty of the latter (those that took out a loan for the $30,000), you've succeeded in placing a child into a family that is deeply in debt. Does this seem wise to anybody?

By the way, I don't think that I'm a finacial tight-ass for daring to think that the adoption process shouldn't cost $30,000. What that price-tag makes me think of, I already stated: There is a mother or parents who don't want or cannot keep a baby. There is a set of parents that are willing to take the baby and raise it as their own. The birth parent or parents give up the child and the child is adopted. What in the hell is costing $30,000 here?? Sure isn't going to the birth mom. Sounds to me like everybody involved is taking advantage of the situation, doesn't it?