Well, it is hard to decide. Let's start with Lenin. He started it all. But he didn't live long enough to accomplish much. Stalin. He did defeate the Germans, but he killed millions of his own people. Kruschev. He did start to de-stalinize the country and he did do alot for the space program. But he did make the Soviet Union look weak during the Cuban missile crises. Brenschev. He kinda re-stalinized the country. but he did create the most powerful military in the world. however he stagnated the economy. The other two guys after him dont count. the only ruled two years or so. Gorbachav. He really screwed up. he led to the collapse of the Soviet Union! He did however win the nobel peace prize. but he led to the demise of the whole Soviet System. So i would have to say Lenin. He really was what got the system started for all of the other leaders to screw it up somehow. He was truly honest about communism. he wasn't corrupt. He truely wanted to create a utopia.