Well Miami has a huge growning problem of gang related crime. MS13, which is thought by many law enforcement agencies as America's Most Dangerous Gang. Is gaining a huge population growth because of the huge influx of immigrants from South America. Which is where MS13 started.
They have a huge cut into drugs, weapons, sex slave, human trafficing, and just about any other thing that is illegal. And they start young, like 9 years old young. They'll have 8 or 9 year old punks go and shoot an law enforcement officer.
It's not like the criminals of old. The mafia (even though they were evil) had a somewhat code of ethics. Don't target civilians and don't target general law enforcement officers.
But todays gangs aren't gangs. They're thugs. In my opinion there is a difference between a Gangster and a Thug.
Gangster, even though they are scumbags and criminals. They follow the above mentioned rule.
Thug are just the scum of the Earth.
Sadily, what has happened is that today's youth looks at the ghetto lifestyle with a kind of awe and amazement. And they have now associated thug life as that of a mafia gangster. But this is because the idiots morons of the ghetto have completely destoryed the use of the American English Language. By replacing the word thug with gangster. Also, the gangsters of South America (Drug Runners) have also destoryed the old ways.
In the end, I believe that every male that reaches 18 years of age needs to serve TWO YEARS in the US Army or US Marines and if they don't want to do that. THREE YEARS in the US Navy or US Air Force. And if they don'
t want to do military service. FIVE YEARS in a Public Works program buidling highways, bridges, dams, and such. And they ain't getting paid what the private sector gets paids. I'm talking about pennies on the dollar. Today's youth doesn't understand what the meaning of hard work is.