What's your favourite camo pattern?

CADPAT (and its cousin, MARPAT).

Snauhi said:
What does that Urban camo actully do? My opinion that it doesent help..

Methinks it's supposed to make you look like urban debris or detritus, especially in an alleyway. Take a look around an urban commercial or industrial landscape -- the most common colours are grime, soot, dust, and asphalt.

Also, I think that pattern would do in a pinch in northern areas with little foliage, especially when the snow is patchy. I've been on winter exercise in March where we had to cross an open stretch of (more or less) snow-covered gravel. You want to look more like a ptarmigan than a polar bear when traipsing across that. I remember wishing at the time our winter whites were reversible - white on one side, mottled white/grey/black on the other.

I saw a photo of an African peacekeeper in some city; his uniform looks like it was made out of old newspapers. If he crouched down, he'd look like a windblown pile of the latest daily.

Which means, of course, if you're fighting in the mean streets of Gotham or Metropolis, your CADPAT/MARPAT/Canadian Tire Duckhunter is going to make you stand out like a sore thumb. So ditch your rain poncho, and tear a neckhole and two armholes in a Hefty Cinch-Sack, then take up your defensive position next to the nearest Dumpster...[/i]
The black, white and grey "urban" cammo is a joke. Just like the blue version.

Something with the colours grey, brick red, black and khaki is the most effective urban cam.... how often do you see an urban battlefield with only those three colours? And white... seriously?