Well, there are a few:
"The Ten Thousand" and "Team Yankee" by Harold Coyle
"Red Storm Rising" by Tom Clancy
"Arc Light" and "Protect & Defend" by Eric L. Harry
"Cauldron" by Larry Bond
"The 13th Valley" by Jon M. Delvecchio (great novel about the 101st Airborne in Vietnam 1970!)
but my utmost favourite 2:
"The Third World War - August 1985" and "The Third World War - The Untold Story" by the British general Sir John Hackett. These two novels describe in a documentary kind of way a fictious Warschau pact - NATO WW3 happening in 1985 with such agonizingly, frighteningly realism, that it gave me the shivers reading it, and made me VERY thankful that this war never actually happened. I'd say that EVERY politician in ANY country having anything to say about Defense budget should first read these two books before even thinking about a nuclear program.
Funny fact is, that "Team Yankee" by Harold Coyle is based upon the European war theatre described in these books.
If you're interested in ordering: the ISBN number of "August 1985" is
0-425-04477-7, I don't have a copy of "The untold story" so no ISBN for that book, sorry.