What's yer English?

The word grinder can reference a few different items depending on what context you use it in.

Grinder: Meat Grinder
Grinder: Metal Grinder
Grinder: I been thru the grinder (had a hard day etc)
Grinder: Grain Mill
Grinder: Used to ferry grain from a silo to a truck

Etc etc etc

Never heard it used to describe a sandwich tho.

Yeah come to Southern New England....

I mean really you can't get much more bad ass then calling a sandwich a Grinder...I'm thinking it came from the Meat Grinder used to slice the meat for it or maybe because people on the grind eat it...I dunno I just know that myself and everyone I know call it a Grinder in fact it's usually on the menus that way...

Some examples




I was actually very shocked the first time someone looked at me puzzled when I said let's get a grinder (and they where from NYC)....