What would u do with 10 million dollars?

Yup, .22s kill more people. (in the U.S.A. that is. Don't know about other countries). Because they are cheap, ammo is cheap, and theres millions of them out there. How many rounds of .700 Whisper or even .357 magnum do you fire on the range, versus .22? Same logic.
The .22 is a KILLER because it is a penetrating round. Small cross section, little deformation, so it goes deep into the body, or even all the way through. It's a poor stopper because it releases its energy slowly.
A wider, slower bullet (.45, for example) doesn't penetrate as well, but gives up it's energy faster, so causes more shock damage, and thus has higher stopping power.
Um, but I guess you guys know this and I'm preaching to the choir... :oops:
I dunno, I always kind of figured 9mm would kill the most people considering it's abundance and the favoring of this round by criminals (at least in my experience of reading the news :lol: ).
Hmm.. With that kind of money.. I would see..

I would know one thing first.. That would be that I would NOT keep them in one way or another.

Ok, Let me figure some things out.. In swedish that will be 70 million swedish crowns..

First of all I would buy myself a driving license... For once I would drive legally. :lol:

I would buy myself a Volvo XC 90.

Buy myself a house..

Buy myself like ALOT of clothes.

I would buy myself a AK-47

Problaby travel somewhere..

Buy my b/f a nice golf kit..

Buy myself a Shire Horse.. Well maybe 2..

And a few icelandic horses..

Donate 1 million to my modelling company.. (Just because I can)

Donate the same amount to the needing children.. Problaby I would donate 1 million to 3 different organisations.

Now we maybe are under slightly 10 millions..

Wich means I have 60 left.. I would donate another 10 millions (swedish crowns is this in) to the US Army.

Now I have 50 left..

I would pay a visit to Mike..

Still gives me a lot of money..

I would rent a strip club and all strippers.. (Who can say no to a such a thing?)

I would by myself some dogs as well..

Some cows..
A ranch.

And a lot of land..

Then I would give alot of money to abused women..

And alot to the services for homeless people...

I would donate some money to the white russia organisation to help the people over there..

Buy alot of Tequila..

Hmm.. Problaby save alot of money to my future kids.. (Ok ok, IF I get kids)

I would problaby buy a nature reservation to raise wolves in.

Well.. The rest.. Would problaby go to some other shit..

I can't spend 70 million swedish crowns.. Even if I wanted it would't work that way.. Impossible.. and they will grow faster then I want on the bank accounts here.. :?

:offtopic: , but if you know that 5.56mm is actually very close 0.22 then you realise that all of the M16 kills are 0.22 kills. And all the new LMGs are 5.56 so, those too.
No offense to anyone, but I saw a bumper sticker that said "Guns don't kill people, dangerous minorities do" :9mm: :cowb: :viking: :horsie:

I can't spend 70 million swedish crowns.. Even if I wanted it would't work that way.. Impossible.. and they will grow faster then I want on the bank accounts here..

I think you spent at least 5 times that in that post of yours with your nature reservation and all :lol:
but if you know that 5.56mm is actually very close 0.22 then you realise that all of the M16 kills are 0.22 kills. And all the new LMGs are 5.56 so, those too.
True, but I was talking about .22 long rifle, not just .22 calibre in general.
Did I mention that I'd hire a team of hot female martial arts experts from around the world, equip them with knives and bikinis, and lounge around my big pool all day with them? Oh, and one spooky sniper with a .50 cal barret (bolt action or semi auto, what do you guys think?) who never said anything but "excellent".
I would travel all across the country buying up every single piece of hippie memorabilia (from Beatles records to VW buses with flowers on them) and have a huge, nationally televised bonfire where I destroy every last piece of it. Isn't it the "White Album" that everyone wants? Hell, I'd use that one to start the fire, just to give old hippies heart-attacks.

Redneck, just cause hippies like the beatles doesn't mean people who like the beatles are hippies. PLEASE take the bell bottoms and tie died shirts, please burn them. But just do it while the hippies are wearing them! Problem solved, and I get to keep my music.
I'm sorry, this plan is all about ME, and I can't stand the Beatles' music, even aside from the hippiness :lol: .
Just because I'm narrow-minded doesn't mean I'm wrong. :lol:
Wouldn't it be easier to just cut your ears off? I'll help, since they obviously don't WORK. If you don't like the beatles, what DO you like, Limp Bizkit?
:lol: Sure I do. Ranching communities are a hotbed of Limp Bizkit fans.

I listen to BOTH kinds of music, Country AND Western. :lol:

Naw, I also really like Motown music, Carl Orff, AC-DC/Def Leppard/Lynard Skynard/ZZ Top, and drunk Irishmen singing drinking songs.

And it is a scientific fact that the Beatles suck, both their music and their personalities. Seriously, it was in one of my Human Behavior textbooks, so I think it is a perfectly justifiable expense of $10 million. :lol:
I would buy my way to a heart transplant. Bypass insurance because they go the cheapest, not the best route. I would have the best of everything, facilities, doctors, researchers, recovery therapy. And maybe have it televised.