RnderSafe said:
No, your first paragraph. "Force Recon is a not part of SOCOM " was about the only thing right.
I really do not like to contradict Mod on any forum, but I feel that you misunderstood me.
Razor said:
Force Recon is a not part of SOCOM and is not considered a SF unit.
Officially Force Recon is not considered a SF unit, how ever many do consider it a SF unit, how ever on paper they are not.
Razor said:
So I guess you could say they are a combat scout unit of the Marines.
That was made in reference to LCDR_SurfWar post:
LCDR_SurfWar said:
Don't they already have a SpecOps division? Force Recon? Or is that just a combat scout unit of the Marines?
I used the two options he gave me to answer.
Razor said:
How ever they were used in the war with Iraq as more of a SF unit, which is one of the reason the Marines are looking in to getting a SF unit.
That is a true statement, Force Recon was used differently than is has been in the past, many Marines resented it. I feel it caused the U.S. government to decide that the Marines need an SF unit.
to prove my pont that they were used differently then they were suppost to be I'll post their origanal mission:
The Force Reconnaissance mission is to plan, coordinate and conduct amphibious reconnaissance, deep ground reconnaissance & surveillance, battle space shaping, and limited scale raids in support of the MEF (Marine Expeditionary Force), MAGTFs (Marine Air Ground Task Force), or a JTF (Joint Task Force). The mission essential tasks are:
Conduct amphibious reconnaissance and deep ground R&S (Reconnaissance and Surveillance)
Conduct specialized terrain reconnaissance
Assist in specialized engineering, NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical), Radio and Mobile Reconnaissance missions
Implant and/or recover sensors and beacons
Conduct ITG (Initial Terminal Guidance) for helicopters, landing crafts, and parachutists
Engage selected targets with Naval, Air and Ground guided support (Laser Guided Missiles, Artillery, Naval Gunfire, etc...)
Conduct post-strike reconnaissance (Battle Damage Assessments)
Conduct limited scale raids (destroy critical enemy targets, gas and oil platforms (GOPLATs), Military Interdiction Operations (MIOs), capture selected enemy personnel, and recover sensitive items / personnel)
Conduct other operations as directed
I got that from here:
Now the way they were used in Operation Iraq freedom could fall under "Conduct other operations as directed." However many did not like this fact thus that new Marine SF unit.
If you would like I'll find a site telling how they were used in Operation Iraq freedom.