philam15 Active member Apr 16, 2007 #1,622 2041 just got home from softball yeahh!! we had a pretty good day, heres how we did 1st game won 3-0 2nd game won 4-3 3rd game won 3-0 4th game lost 3-4 5th game lost 0-3 all in all, pretty good for our first dang tourny
2041 just got home from softball yeahh!! we had a pretty good day, heres how we did 1st game won 3-0 2nd game won 4-3 3rd game won 3-0 4th game lost 3-4 5th game lost 0-3 all in all, pretty good for our first dang tourny
Rob Henderson Banned Apr 16, 2007 #1,623 Congrats. Very well done. Oh. its 2045. And Im just listening to a peice we're doing for nationals...In 10 DAYS!!!
Congrats. Very well done. Oh. its 2045. And Im just listening to a peice we're doing for nationals...In 10 DAYS!!!
Rob Henderson Banned Apr 16, 2007 #1,627 0642. Just finished breakfast...Remind me again why I wake up so damned early for school when it doesnt start till 8...
0642. Just finished breakfast...Remind me again why I wake up so damned early for school when it doesnt start till 8...