bigcanada813 Canuckus Maximus Nov 15, 2006 #942 1750-eating dinner, watching tv, and killing time before my class at 1920.
Sevens Forum Dominatrix Nov 16, 2006 #943 2348 Watching The Colbert Report and thinking about going to bed.
Sevens Forum Dominatrix Nov 17, 2006 #950 2324 Watching The Daily Show, waiting for The Colbert Report to come on, and thinking about how much I really don't want to go to work tomorrow.
2324 Watching The Daily Show, waiting for The Colbert Report to come on, and thinking about how much I really don't want to go to work tomorrow.
Rob Henderson Banned Nov 17, 2006 #952 1250. Im sittin in the computer lab avoiding detection while posting here.
Rob Henderson Banned Nov 18, 2006 #956 1111(make a wish) Im getting ready to go to work...I STILL dont understand why we guard swim meets, they can all swim better than I can...Oh well...Still get paid, so lets not complain.
1111(make a wish) Im getting ready to go to work...I STILL dont understand why we guard swim meets, they can all swim better than I can...Oh well...Still get paid, so lets not complain.
Sevens Forum Dominatrix Nov 19, 2006 #958 Hey TI?? Are you maybe...hung over? LOL Serves you right! 1713 Just watched Ohio State beat Michigan. As if there was ever any doubt that they would.
Hey TI?? Are you maybe...hung over? LOL Serves you right! 1713 Just watched Ohio State beat Michigan. As if there was ever any doubt that they would.
Team Infidel Forum Spin Doctor Nov 19, 2006 #959 0735. just watched the same game.. now on to NASCAR then USC/Cal
Sevens Forum Dominatrix Nov 20, 2006 #960 1619 Finally home from work. Making dinner and catching up on all the football I missed.