What time is it?

Do some push up, sit up, work out, jogging for 20 minutes. you will get tired.

1905....waiting to go to the movie.
0133....wondering if Bones is mama's boy. haha....I'm just kidding with you, man. Just kidding, man. I do hope you know what just kidding means, man.

Watching The Legend of Zorro.
0138 I can't sleep!! LOL Oh well. Boss called and I get to go out to Ola tomorrow night, so I can sleep all day tomorrow. :D
1706 , just found out that some colonies needed wood. They dont have enough to survive the coming winter. And just heard news that the Appache Indians are in a trade agreement with some Duch traders from Nassau.

5:06 Pm
I was trying to reach an agreement with the French traders from Quebec, but it seems that the agreement angered some Indian tribes and they attacked. We were outnumbered so we fled aboard a French galleon.. God only knows what will become of us..

We have heard that the "huns", barbaric peoples coming somewhere from the east, are starting to savagely rape towns and cities and making their advance westward. Wonder what the emperor will order us to do..