What time is it?


oh... around. Tried to fire up the pushmower today for the first time in about five years--and the throttle snapped in two in my hand. So, after spending an hour or so fixing that, I thought of checking the the gas, thinking that maybe it was bad. Actually it wasn't bad--there just wasn't any. So I filled 'er up and then... it ran for about five minutes and died. Got it started again, did a little bit of near-house trimming, and shut down and came inside.

Ok, gonna go home, lift some weights, stretch, then go outside to the park and run for 2 hours. Then do recon around the surrounding forest.... Great.....

oh... around. Tried to fire up the pushmower today for the first time in about five years--and the throttle snapped in two in my hand. So, after spending an hour or so fixing that, I thought of checking the the gas, thinking that maybe it was bad. Actually it wasn't bad--there just wasn't any. So I filled 'er up and then... it ran for about five minutes and died. Got it started again, did a little bit of near-house trimming, and shut down and came inside.

Yep 1747 here, speaking of lawn mowers, I just finished installing the new piston sleeve and only have the intake valve left to grind before I can totally reassemble it :)

Thank God the Weedeater is a Ryobi.