bigcanada813 Canuckus Maximus Feb 3, 2008 #2,961 1835, just back from work and quite happy that mason beat madison!
bigcanada813 Canuckus Maximus Feb 4, 2008 #2,967 1033, fighting with a hangover after celebrating the patriot's loss
F Fox Can you hear me now? Feb 5, 2008 #2,969 2239.....................thinking about to go downstairs to grab some more foods....
Sevens Forum Dominatrix Feb 5, 2008 #2,970 0056................Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm................yeah. Got nothing.
pixiedustboo Redfidelboo Feb 6, 2008 #2,974 12:51am Kids have been down for four hours. The house is clean. The laundry is going. My alarm is set for tomorrow it's T.V. time 'til I fall asleep. P.S. And I'm cold.
12:51am Kids have been down for four hours. The house is clean. The laundry is going. My alarm is set for tomorrow it's T.V. time 'til I fall asleep. P.S. And I'm cold.