CrazyLilCajun Milforum Cowgirl Nov 22, 2007 #2,647 9:47am. time to get dressed and go pick my grandma up for thanksgiving.
SilknLeather Active member Nov 26, 2007 #2,650 2120 and the kids are not asleep yet. Where did that peace and quiet go?
CrazyLilCajun Milforum Cowgirl Nov 26, 2007 #2,653 SilknLeather said: 2315 What is sleep? Click to expand... something i dont get much of lol
SilknLeather Active member Nov 26, 2007 #2,654 I am in training for sleep deprivation so when My Marine returns I can watch him sleep.
CrazyLilCajun Milforum Cowgirl Nov 28, 2007 #2,660 7:35pm...just finished a game ive been playin since the weekend.