what rank?

Ensign is a massive step up from Seaman, Navy Boy. Are you sure?

Nice to have another NJROTC officer (possibly two) on board, though!
c/Commander said:
Ensign is a massive step up from Seaman, Navy Boy. Are you sure?

Nice to have another NJROTC officer (possibly two) on board, though!
Hey I know my knowleage and chain of command and leader ship traits
so I don't see why not?
Well, I am a C/SSgt. in CAP, on my way to C/TSgt.in one month, Christmas banquet is promo time for me!!! Also getting a couple extra ribbons
bigcanada813 said:
I've been in AROTC for about 3 months and i'm a c/pvt. I guess i better start throwing salutes, sirs?

Only to officers, unless they do things differently in the Army...do you salute NCOs?