What is your ultimate job?

What is your ultimate job?

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Being an armorer would be pretty sweet. I love learning about firearms, how they work, how to work them, and also just practicing my marksmanship.

Building, maintaining, and tinkering with all sorts of police weapons for a living sounds nice to me.

Learning level design for video games would be great as well, it'd give me a chance to bring the little worlds floating around in my head to the players. Having played video games for about 13 years of my life I'm confident in my ideas.
Infantry soldier was, but it didn't really allow me enough time to spend doing my #1 passion, which was training/showing/riding horses....

So now I'm a weather girl, haha. And no, not on TV- just for current conditions in my area, that get posted on the net, and TV and such....but my DREAM would be to own a huge stable, with heated indoor riding arena, and train horses and give lessons
Testing beds. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:sleep: or a taste tester for Guiness:drink: or if I were 40 years younger and had the energy, a professional gigolo:angel:
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Man... ain't that the truth?
You can get penalties for knocking over something at a shop but if you f*ck up the entire global economy you get more money than most people will see in ten lifetimes.
I am currently a flight medic and I love it. But I am planning on having the Army pay for medical school so I can become a doctor.
The best, most rewarding job I've ever done was bing a MOMMA.

Otherwise, I love doing jobs that are a support role type of thing.
Being retired and not worrying about a job!

LOL, wish i was there...but am not...until then besides, being a good momma to my kiddo's, teaching is definetly my calling...i love the fact, that i have the power to brighten a little one's life :) its ultimately, rewarding knowing that the Creator of this Universe gifted me with the capabilities in helping and teaching children :)
I'm guessing I voted teacher (I don't remember when I voted), but my ultimate job would be staying home to raise my 5 (or more) kids.

By far the best job ever. :)
Best was my own long term profession , antique dealing, before bureaucracy took over and wrecked it.

Jumping into a fast car every morning and haring off to search for fine antiques amongst the trade shops, warehouses and auction rooms throughout the country. I liked always to be home every night to sleep. My vans would follow up within a few days and collect what I had bought.

Free as a bird, no-one to answer to but myself, and then came years when my sons would go off with me. I travelled great distances fast each day, but although I did travel USA when I could, I realised that doing the same would be impossible there because of the great distances between target areas.

My worst job, and I had a few of those, was digging deep drainage trenches to serve army barracks etc. After demob.

Or working night shift on a paraffin grinder, producing 1200 car pistons every night, for a pittance. After demob.

Hardest work was Merchant Navy, long hours, hard, and very fast pace, seven days a week, never a stand-in to fill in.

Army was different altogether, different world.
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Out of the selection I choose teaching. This is what I do and love best! The shittiest ever must be in a paint factory where I worked. No blue collar for me ever again. Soldier is what I wanted to be but the older I get the more I find out that I have an authority problem. Especially when someone wants me to do something for some unknown reason and won't tell me. But that must be the perogative of being a civvie :)
MY ultimate job ...........

Where's other as a choice??????

I already tried, Soldier, Sailor, Policeman and Fire Fighter and am NOT interested in any of the other choices. My choice would have been "Other - describe in a comments".

Personally - I'd love to have a job where I can test computer programs at home, fill out a recommendation listing improvements and submit it to the programmers/company and then move on to another program. That is a job that I could spend all day at, without a complaint.

is MY ultimate job.
I must revise my answer: I want to be an executive at a failing bank who gets huge bonuses of tax money. They seem to have life all figured out by the looks of things.