What is the best take down round for a zombie?

Missileer said:
GAU-8/A "monster gun", or Gatling gun,
chambered in 30mm, 4200 rounds per minute.
Don't forget the deplete uranium round that the A-10 Warthog fires. ;)
I'll go with Missiler. GAU-8/A. I bet it can take out the zombie in a half second.
Au contraire, O Baninated One!

Guys, the idea behind a zombie is that you can blow a few chunks out of them and they'll still keep coming...you pretty much need to destroy the body to win. So, either a big-ass naval rifle shell, a flamethrower (though that might just make him angry :p), or explosives. Small-arms rounds aren't gonna cut it.
Not necessarily, c/Commander. Even with a small arms round, a good shot straight between and just above the eyes, will drop even a zombie.

Even though they are the undead, the brain is still the main thing functioning. Take that down, and you're good to go.
AK-47 with a few 90 round drum clips, two AKS-74U Shorty Assault Rifles with BS-1 underbarrel grenade launchers,lots of grenades to throw,a knife with a 10' inch blade, two Beretta 9000S .40 cals ,AK5 swedish, one machette, sawed of shot gun with short barrel convertion, and last but not least (this is one deadly weapon) me.:9mm: :biggun: :horsie: :m16shoot: :-x
Wear a full set of European medieval plate armour with chain mail underneath(bite that you undead B***ards) and carry a tungsten tipped Stihlsaw.
Might be a problem when needing to eat or use toilet though.
A mace would work, but why not grab a flail? Once you get that mother going, heads will literally fly.