Redneck, youthful exhuberent that he is, Ben is right about the Gurkhas. Under the rules of partition in 1947, Britian kept 5 Regiments (US Battalion equivilents) and the rest went to the Indian Army. Not sure if Pakistan retained the rights to any. Britian now has two Gurkha infantry Battalions that serve in all theatres except Northern Ireland, and in addition Gurkha signals, Gurkha Logistics and Queen's Gurkha Engineers troops. There have recently been attempts in the high courts to bring Gurkha pay and conditions of service into line of that of a British soldier - at present they are different. However, under terms set up in 1947, Britian must match the terms and conditions set by India, and with India having around 60,000 Gurkhas under arms that is not about to happen soon, nor will it while we still have around 200 Nepalese apply for every single place in British Gurka recruit training.