As I am due to RL not connect to here frequently lately, let me say that you guys put up a lot of great songs, worthwile to listen to one page entirely today on my free day. Cant give likes to all, but its a great selection on this page, some of my favorites, some I did no know (like the Steve Nicks bit), overall a 10 ouzt of 10...
Myself, I am going more and more Spanish with my listening, here one that my Ex told me about, she thinks it describes me as the Last Romantic Standing (and I agree to a certain point, the 2nd verse I can identify with), Don Quijote at his best, DUlcinea and Rosinante included (if you dont know about Don Quixote look him up, its a read I highly recommend, though more than 400 yrs old it it is timeless and valid today as in the past and the future, see appendix) ...
Nice poem turned into a song, here the combo (song first, poem 2nd) and an attempt to translation from Spanish to English by yours truly:
---------------- Poema -------------------
Que fue de aquel Caballero, que de pequeño me hablaron / What happened to this Knight that they told me about when I was young
De aquel romántico Hidalgo que luchó desesperado, / to this romantic Noble Man who fought desperately
Desubicado en el tiempo, por conquistar un pasado / - misplaced in time - to conquer a past,
Por vivir en un presente, por no morir desterrado. / to live in the present and not die in exile.
Caballero Enamorado, / Knight in Love
De un amor que vive preso en un reloj que está parado, / of a love that holds him prisoner in a clock that has stopped,
Donde nunca hubo presente, ni futuro, ni pasado, / where neither exists a present, nor a future nor a past
Donde la guerra fue viento de un molino abandonado. / where war turns out to be nothing more than wind turning an abandoned wind mill.
Caballero Enamorado, / Knight In Love
de una mujer, de un te quiero, de un Rocinante cansado, / of a woman, of an "I love you", of a tired "Rozinante",
De un sabio que de escudero siempre cabalgó a su lado, / of a wise man that protects him and always rides by his side,
De una Dulcinea perdida, de un amor imaginado. / of a lost "Dulcinea", of an imaginary lover...
Que fue de aquel Caballero al que dicen me parezco / What happened to this Knight that they tell me I appear like,
Alonso Quijote, hermano, tanto honor yo no merezco. / Alonso Quijote, brother, so much honor I dont deserve.
Buscando a mi Dulcinea, me identifico contigo, / Searching for my "Dulcinea" I identify myself with you
Quijote mi gran maestro, Alonso mi buen amigo. / Quijote my great teacher, Alonso my good friend.
Noble Hidalgo equivocado, / Erring Noble Man
Que errante busca un destino que pertenece a un pasado, / who in error searchs for a destiny that belongs to the past
Pobre infeliz peregrino, vagabundo enamorado / poor unhappy pilgrim, tramp in love
De una Dulcinea perdida, de un amor equivocado. / of a lost "Dulcinea", of an erroneous love...
Caballero Enamorado, / Knight in Love
De un amor que vive preso en un reloj que está parado, / of a love that holds him prisoner in a clock that has stopped,
Donde nunca hubo presente, ni futuro, ni pasado, / where neither exists a present, nor a future nor a past
Donde la guerra fue viento de un molino abandonado. / where war turns out to be nothing more than wind turning an abandoned wind mill.
Caballero Enamorado, / Knight In Love
De un amor imaginado, / of an imaginary lover
De Béjar Enamorado. / from Bejar, in love...
--------------- Fin Poema -----------
[ame=""]Caballero Enamorado - Materia Prima - YouTube[/ame]
Enjoy, or not,
Appendix I: A quick introduction to Cervantes´ Don Quixote:
[ame=""]Don Quixote by Cervantes - YouTube[/ame]
Appendix II: A 1933 film about the "Adventures of Don Quixote", in English
[ame=""]Adventures of Don Quixote (1933) FULL MOVIE - YouTube[/ame]