Saddam killed tens of thousands, Saddam constantly disrupted the weapons inspectors, Saddam constantly shot at American and British over the no fly zone, Saddam gased his enemies AND his own people. I dont seem to recall seeing this 24/7 on the tv like I do the naked Iraqis (best I recall they are alive) The media has turned into a complete farce. Who needs depressants when you have cnn? Hell, who needs spies when you have Geraldo? Something I noticed in the newspaper the other day pissed me off big time. A headline that read "9/11 commission doesnt know who to blame" I do, George Bush didnt fly the planes into the WTC. Neither did Rumsfeld. Cant seem to recall Condi being on one either. Yet people want to blame them? Now we have an argument over "was the Iraqi war justified". Damn skippy. The same UN resolution that ended Desert Storm stated that Iraq would submit to inspections to verify that he had disarmed the WMD's that he had used before so the guy aint shy about using them. The moment he kicked the inspectors out of Iraq was the moment we should have went in. I mean come on people, JEEZ! The stupid son of know what broke the resolutions time and time again while the UN sat around on its thumbs deciding on who owed them money. Now the UN in my opinion has split the world on Iraq because not only have they let Saddam flex what little bit of muscles he could muster, they hauled arse out of Iraq after they were attacked. If they were attacked and they did nothing....what should that tell you? These people need some friggin help here to calm the chaos.