War Movies

How the hell did you become a moderator 03USMC. You are a flamer and a name calling bully. If you can't understand why most of the world are appalled by America's actions and attitudes TAKE A LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
How the hell did you become a moderator 03USMC. You are a flamer and a name calling bully. If you can't understand why most of the world are appalled by America's actions and attitudes TAKE A LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
Just glad you didn't became a Mod ;).
I must agree with leMask- Rome and Generation kill are kickass shows!
Personally just wished there was more literature/tv shows that educated us about the enemy than just ourselves.
Less of ours is better (OPSEC).
More of theirs is better (know your enemy).
I agree LeMask, a war movie that follows characters on both sides of the conflict in depth would be fairly epic, and as far as I know it hasn't been done.
Well, Flags of our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima sort of did that, but it was two separate movies.

Also, does this forum even have rules anymore?
How the hell did you become a moderator 03USMC. You are a flamer and a name calling bully. If you can't understand why most of the world are appalled by America's actions and attitudes TAKE A LOOK IN THE MIRROR.

You offended? Need a hug Snookums?
03USMC, well, maybe YOU need a hug sweety... Because you are so aggressive... You dont have to be tough everyday...

This world have enough brutality... try to be soft. I'm sure you were a nice kid in the past...
03USMC, well, maybe YOU need a hug sweety... Because you are so aggressive... You dont have to be tough everyday...

Once again talking out of your arse. If you think that was being aggressive and 03 was being tough then it's obvious you don't belong on this forum.
Oh, thanks, but dont worry about me Wallabies... I'm not that delicate.

But we are not on the battlefield, we are in a forum, and there is rules, even on the battlefield...

I know that you cant be soft on the enemy... But there is no enemies here.
Well, I dont like that at all...

There is a rules for a good communication. And this forum is a communication tool.

It's not a football match, or a sport, or a battlefield where a little aggressivity is needed to keep the spirits. It's not a hockey match or a war...

Politeness is an important condition. Especially between two people who dont know each others. We didnt even share a beer. So I say that you have to be polite.

I can recognize "familiarity". But I really dont see it here.

And this "you cant be soft" isnt a strong argument... Imagine the situation, a soldier comes back home, kicks the door open, throws grenades in the kitchen, jumps on his surprised wife in front of the TV, and BAM, hits here in the head with his rifle's butt... "HONEY I'M FINALLY HOME."

And when the sheriff comes in... huh... "habit is a *****... huh..." and the Sheriff explains to the destroyed lady "well, I was in the army too, and I know what happened, did the same too when I came back of Vietnam... And my boy isnt different, he called an artillery strike on his wife last night, she is sick of him cooking the meat with incendiary grenades, and boy, her yelling is worse than Saddam's WMDs... you have be to tough, it's a way of life..."

No, seriously, I dont care about politeness that much... But dont kill the debate.

There is no debate in "you are an ass", "and you are a jerk", "I dont like you, go to your own country.", "It's the internet, I do what I want.", "oh really? Well, you are stupid...", "No, I'm not..."

Wonderful debate for sure... But we are not in kindergarden anymore...

Wallabies, you want to be a jerk, be my guest... Dont be polite if it's against your values. But can you show a little respect, and tell me why you say that? So we can talk about it... At least, talk about it.

If not, let's agree to disagree.