Want to play the "This or That" game ???

bare ....(and smooth..not like Freddie Flinstones..lol..)

eyebrow....bit full or bit bald ???..................lol
always forgive and be at peace with everyone...but learn to have good and healthy boundaries to keep out unsafe persons... No is no and yes is yes!...listen to your instincts and guts!..:smil:

peace or tranquility ?
Definitely chocolate cakes....lol...(and yes all the men ive met have all been the same old jerks).....

pizza or lasagna?????
Pizza, I hate lasagna for some odd unamerican reason o.O
(You keep looking in all the wrong places then or something because i'm definately still alive :P)

Night or Day?
Definitely Night ;).....lol..you're still alive baby....you're forgetting I'm 30, and you're just a baby sigh..if you were older..You'd be mine ;) lol

dance or watch????? lol
Dance definately, hey, obviously i'm no baby if I can support myself, my family back home, and another person. So :P

Strawberry or Chocolate milk?