Jason Bourne
Active member
yea well last time i checked, the minority are insurgents, in the American revolution the majority were fighting for independence
Ah but what part of the american nation do you call majority?Jason Bourne said:yea well last time i checked, the minority are insurgents, in the American revolution the majority were fighting for independence
devilwasp said:Yes thats the point, who is right?
Both sides are wrong and both sides are right!
Actually I'm not, I'm trying to show you hwo they are not a bunch of random middle eastern mindless murdering bstrds.03USMC said:Wasp.
If you are looking for everyone to come to your conclusion that Terrorists are in reality a bunch of Noble Freedom Fighters instead of Murdering Cowards who prefer to target nonmilitary targets. I'm pretty sure thats not gonna happen here. No matter how enamored you are with that "romantic" notion.
How can i be wrong ? I wasnt takeing a side, i was pointing out how both sides are right and both are wrong, in thier own eyes.Redneck said:You are wrong. There you go.![]()
I am sorry i will not let it happen again.Do not make back-to-back posts, read the forum rules before posting again.
It helps prove my point , or can i not justify myself?This thread is not about Ian Fleming or James Bond, that discussion ends here.
I am not posting anything as fact that isnt facts.Posting what you think the situation is as fact without proof is not acceptable here, do not let it happen again.
Yes they may and i respect that but many members may not look at the situation in my way.devilwasp, many members have a little more experience with the situation in Iraq than simply watching it on their televisions.
The majority of iraqi's want america out and the minority are ready to use violence.Jason Bourne said:the majorirty of Americans wanted the British out, the minority of Iraqi's want the Americans out.
I dont see it like that but hey thats your opinion.Charge_7 said:I'm with Redneck. There's having an open mind and then there's having your mind so open your brain falls out. Strikes me that devilwasp might want to reconsider his JROTC goals.
devilwasp said:Actually I'm not, I'm trying to show you hwo they are not a bunch of random middle eastern mindless murdering bstrds.
You have to look at both sides.
From what you say , you make them sound like that.03USMC said:No one called them random or mindless. They are calculating and put alot of thought into how they can get the optimum body count in order to create the terror and destabilizing influence that their organizations thrive on.
From thier POV the coalition is invaders and are trying to "take back" thier country. We may not be but that is how they think.
Yes it might prepare them for life but what about during thier life to adult hood? They could simply justify anything and everything in their eyes as protecting someone.
I didnt, i seen no pictures of such things.
Nethier did any of my mates until oh about highschool.
Me too , I like to see the mission done but unhumane tactics i hate. If someone is doing wrong then go ahead do what you want to him, if not then leave him.
Was? are you changing your mind?
Well as they would put it, "to kill a diseased cell you might need to kill healthy cells, i dont justify it and i am not even going to try and justify it because it is wrong. BUT i am just saying this is what they probably think.Doc.S said:Well there I dont still get you devilwasp - If they are trying to "take back" their country, why on earth are this terrorists killing their own people in numbers of 15-60 people every second day? No I dont recognize them as freedom fighters as some people do thats correct. I recognize them as mad-dogs but that would be bad to call mad-dogs for terrorists so I dont know what to call this persons? Maby psychopaths and scum is a better name for this basterds.
Does a child not misinterpret things?Why should they do that?
Telling them not to talk to strangers is a diffrent matter.If you teach your kid that there is dangerous to talk to strangers and going with strangers on car-drives I dont think they have nothing to loose as I see it. And I know from my wifes sister that children may have questions even if they never ask you directly. She is working with kids in crisis and such thing.
Man, you guys got on Fked up news system.That sounds good - But over here alot of kids are watching the news togheter with there parents if I did understand our largest news program correct last week.
yeah, there are a few people who get a kick out of it. Sick bstrds.I dont think anyone like to hurt other people to be honest - But as I told you before about the psychosis/hypnosis thing, there you know what my humble oppinion is.
Hey man thats more than you need, you find the one for you never let it go. Good for you man.Yes my motivation to continue my military service here in sweden was interrupted by love am affraid. I found my wife one week after I was drafted in to the military. And my soul told me that YOU dont loose this one! When I was sent home for a temporary back injury "dont know how that one came up?" Our gov finaly wanted to terminate all our defence capacity. Last month I got a letter that told me that I didnt have to do any military service.
LOL , defend you and your family thats the way to go man.Well there are no places to do that over here either so I dont give a crap. And as long as my socialist gov ruling this country I have no motivation to defend this crappy hole anyway. I will defend my own family if that one should ever occure over here. Because I dont think any military actions would be put in if this country would be attacked by an enemy anyway. Well then you have resistance movements growing up from the U.K or other nations around this hole, or others that helps out. 8)
Depends who those 5 guys are.Charge_7 said:You don't see it devilwasp? There's an old saying around these parts. "When five guys tell you you're drunk, you better lie down."
Does a child not misinterpret things? I know on many a case where my little cousing has misunderstood the idea of smacking and justified it by saying they where bad.
Man, you guys got on Fked up news system.
LOL , defend you and your family thats the way to go man. I dont think anyone would attack sweeden ,if you guys got into a fight then i dont think the other side would come out very well. You sweeds have a tendancy to be good fighters and skiers.
Even if you do exsplain it fully they will not understand it all.Doc.S said:Obvious there are parents that may not tell/explain for there kids this stuff as they would/should do.
Yeah but dont they seperate the things?That may be so :lol: Yes when the children's programme is sent on the other chanel they send the 1800 news. But I think sweeds in general like to stay tuned when it comes to world news in general.![]()
Yeah you have been there too many times.Yes Devilwasp all since 700ths Sweeds/Norwegian - Scandinavians have had a reputation to be fair fighters when war and other events have occured. The Norwegian people wich I have a great respect for proved this in the WW2 events. Their resistance movement halted Adolf Hitlers heavy water project. Norwegians are good skiers and fighters too thats for sure. I think Norwegians are the best skiers at the moment up here in Scandinavia. But the Sweeds have been there too a number of times.
Your ancestors even named my clan, sutherland.I think we understand each other Dewilwasp, even if we may have our differences.![]()