well..i guess thats what happens when you have two major fronts going on..one group looks east..the other west..or vice versa.
I think most people really forget it was essentially a four front war: You had the pacific conflict the atlantic conflict, the european conflict, and the asian land mass conflict going all at once.
The allies had to win the battle for the atlantic, if we were to help europe with the materials it needed.
We had to shut off the japanese lines of supply, if we were going to stop japan.
The germans had to be stopped in russia, and evicted from western europe, and africa.
The japanese had to be stopped in china, and in the southwest pacific in order to save austraila and new zealand from falling. Not that the aussies couldnt do it to the japanese alone, but it seems everyone took some of the largest ship losses during the battles for the dutch indies, and everyone needed help at that time. i believe that the battles that ocurred between dec 8th 1941 and june 1942 are some of the most unpublished and unhearalded chronicles of the worlds navies in the pacific: The dutch, the americans, the brits, and the aussies had their butts handed to them by the japanese. If it wasnt for the submarines and their courages attacks, even with faulty torpedoes, we would have had no naval resistance at all. The US defitnetly needed austraila and new zealands help: we need secure bases for our navy and land forces that would be coming.
And these are just some of the main points. Not all of them. just some.
when you try to pin the most pivotal point, it can be a great goat rope.