Yoss, I hate to be naughty, good buddy..., but in the words of my current favourite hero, Jethro Gibbs (NCIS)- can we have it in english...?
Watch a young couple who stuggles with today's notion of uprecedented levels of mandatory debt as money, hold their first child, and then feel that pit in your gut telling you that the world that child has to grow up in will be vastly lower in the standard of life that the generation before it enjoyed.
Yester year parents could birth children into a world where they could pay even for their education and work for a obtainable retirement.
Tommorow, you must have an outside body pay your way, and indenture you to a lifetime of servitude paying them back double for the same things once bought and purchased by those before them, leaving many with jobs after education with only slight pay increases after paying back such "loans".
This trend pisses me off.
And the bit of increased profit without increased production is refering to having to pay much much more for the same types of services and education that generations before us could work to pay off.
All the while these lending practices within our ecnomic system do little to PRODUCE any more goods or services on paper, just forcing everyone to pay more for the same thing or in many cases LESS.
And stagflation meaning a stagnant economy (
lack of new growth, which under today's model is unsubstainable by laws tied in with the laws of nature). Combined with increased inflation and the devalueing of all this privately created electronic money.
Throw in millions of graduating high school and college students who cannont realisticlly afford further education or find a substaining job falling into underemployment then we have the recipe of childeren in cradles today stuck in a form of high class poverty for the rest of their lives tommorow.
So much for living the "dream".
This trend pisses me off.