Hurr Durr
Either that... or don't whine about human rights in the first place.
That's what I always say. Human rights is a privilege. Just like air is. Both can be taken away like that.
Either that... or don't whine about human rights in the first place.
WRONG,... I never "came back",... remember,... I never left, it was you who said "FINITO BENITO" not I.Don't be so ridiculous. I Finitoed at a stage where I was most comfortable and was merely putting my part in the argument to bed, by not continuing to pick the bones out each others' posts.
However when Le's post appeared and you came again I came back still in contention with you and pointing out where. No change in my case there.
I never said a word about you seeking my approval. What I did say "was that you agreed with my posts", and that you wrongly stated that WE were in agreement. No,... I don't agree with you, and I won't be sucked into your attempt to justify your lack of moral fibre by suddenly stating that WE are in agreement as if I had come across to your point of view instead of the reverse, and I quote, "In case you've forgotten already,... I'm the one stating that the coalition is making a mess of things, you are the one who says such things as, "What's good for America is good for the world"... "Snort" and that Camp delta has your "nod",... and of course, how could I forget "The guys who came back here from Gitmo did not speak of terrible horrors."Nonsense again. I never SOUGHT your agreement, I spelt out where it existed, no coat-changing whatsoever. See post 36. In pointing out that we were in agreement, I was NOT changing my opinion, but that our views on those particular points happenned to be same. On those you had been wrong in assuming that we were opposed. Read my posts. Our views just happened to be the same. No-one was changing position there, it was not necessary. As I pointed out, you are once again trying to put your words into my mouth. Where you see 'I agree with you' understand that I am politely trying to demonstrate that the opinion you happen to hold there is the opinion that happens to be mine. I was simply correcting your take on those points, not changing position.
Obviously I should have taken a bigger stick to make the point, I over-estimated your comprehension. I won't do it again.
Definitely no coat-changing there, and the weather doesn't bother me.
Well my argument hasn't changed, work it out for yourself.No back-peddling involved there. But I see what a mistake it was to offer a genuine hand. I will not make that mistake again.
Since when is abiding by the rules which we expect others to follow, "fighting with your hands tied behind your back" Your complete and utter lack of moral fibre shows at every turn.I forget nothing - and I am the one in support of the USA anti-terrorist efforts On the other hand, you would have the Americans fight with their hands tied behind their backs.
No,... you are using the word WE again, WE are not in agreement and I quote my last post, "So it is not "We" as I never agreed with a single thing you've said"Not true - post 36 shows precisely where we are in agreement and where we are not, and is there for all to see. I have made it clear there, not a question of your choice, just a statement of where my opinion matches your own, and has done so from the start, not in response to changed attitudes.
Tosh to you because you are morally vacuous. I have heard of all of your quoted tortures, and it seems that you have again forgotten that it is I who is arguing that torture is immoral and you that is arguing in support of its use. Torture is torture regardless of your continued attempts to justify its use.More nonsensical tosh from the great man! I am sorry to have to be the one to tell, old chap, that that just ain't going to happen. But of course, yours is the only opinion which counts as your signature indicates.
BTW - have you never heard of the rack, drawing and quartering, the Inquisition practices, the Iron Maiden, the middle-eastern practice of hot-ironing people etc.etc.etc. - perhaps you and your friends cannot see the gap between those and the Coalition behaviour.
Delboy, the only time you ever "offer your hand" is when you are on your back foot.You are singing from the wrong hymn-sheet there, the lyrics are ... "'written word, on record, both feet in, take no b/s from inflated egos,
do not change course or give way to stone-throwing or personal abuse, and never seek prizes, stay above such low ideals." Good song.
You will find it on post 36, in detail, confirmed in my later friendly posts, where I honestly sought to heal any personal hurt I had inflicted inadvertantly.
As I have said so many times, with some folk, any compassion is interpreted as weakness.
Well ,thing again, Sir, I offered you my hand only through PITY, believe it or not.
I will never trust you with my hand again, you obviously have confused me with some other guy who doesn't give a s*** for honour.
Now , all that is yesterday's news - back on topic.
I stand on my position and have done so throughout. And now I'm off, unless dragged back in. gone fishin.
WRONG,... I never "came back",...
I never said a word about you seeking my approval. What I did say "was that you agreed with my posts", and that you wrongly stated that WE were in agreement. No,... I don't agree with you, and I won't be sucked into your attempt to justify your lack of moral fibre by suddenly stating that WE are in agreement as if I had come across to your point of view .
Since when is abiding by the rules which we expect others to follow, "fighting with your hands tied behind your back" Your complete and utter lack of moral fibre shows at every turn.
No,... you are using the word WE again, WE are not in agreement and I quote my "So it is not "We" as I never agreed with a single thing you've said"
Tosh to you because you are morally vacuous.
Delboy, the only time you ever "offer your hand" is when you are on your back foot.
Off again, back again, it makes no difference. I wouldn't believe you if you were to tell me that the Pope is Catholic. You'll be back, like last time, but certainly not at my bidding.
Ahh, Back yet again. I'm off!, I'm back.
More curtain calls than Dame Nellie Melba.
Are you feeling better now you've had your little tantrum? Denials, more denials but not one skerrick of evidence.
You just have no comprehension do you? You don't read your own posts, nor mine, nor those of the moderators. Now you see why you get in the poo.
Yes,... I am going to abide by the moderators ruling, you do as you wish.
That's what I always say. Human rights is a privilege. Just like air is. Both can be taken away like that.
Do not lecture about human rights. It's about as elusive as world peace.
Denials, more denials but not one skerrick of evidence.