Topic changed -- Japanese atrocities vs Nazi Atrocities.

DarkSmari said:
as for the prisioners, they deserve it for not serving their country to the fullest gratitude.

as for the deaths, any army would do so.

Arse. B4 a victim was killed Japanese tried many kinds of evil way to threat them. Japanese atrocities in WWII can be said as the most PERVERT, VIOLENT, BEAST-ACT, HORROR, CURSED in the human history.

Nanjing massacre is the most horrible massacre in the history, not only the numbers of victims were large but also the way Japanese handled it.

U will not say so when others got u and do them same thing like ur grandpa did in the past.

DarkSmari said:

THe us army does worse, we japanese do less, all japanese believe that


Today the media world is so high tech and advance.A little small bad acts by USA can be revealed obviously and largely.

Using todays media power in the WW II. I can tell u Japanese atrocities can be discovered even much. I belive it's Millions times more (Serious describe).

U Japanese believe that because u guyz did not get educated the truth. Nanjing massacre, Comfort women, Biochem weapon testing, experiments over civilians. All those things were censored in the history text book. And without any shame u guyz said u are Heroes in world war II in helping Asian people. How cunning u Japanese r!

I think one day someone much launch invasion over u guyz. Then u will know why we r so angry about u Japanese acts today.
Remember the victims

We must always remember the victims of Nanjing, Batan, etc. The best way to do that is to not buy japanese cars. Why financially reward that culture for all the horror it inflicted on innocent non combatants. We have in essence allowed japan to escape responsibility for its act. They should suffer for a thousand centuries for what they did.

the same fate should be dealt to the anti-semitic europeans who slaughtered so many Judaic people. Don't buy german cars. Let them scrounge around in caves for a thousand centuries for what they did.

this excuse that the vehicles are somehow better is just nonsense.
We must always ask ourselves an ethical question when tempted to buy a japanese or german vehicle. Just think of all the innocent lives exterminated by the japanese and germans.

In essence there were two holocausts during the second world war, one Judaic and one Chinese. We must recognize that. And actually, what befell on the native americans at the hands of the selfish european explorers and settlers constitutes a holocaust.
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Not long after WW2 I started to work for a huge firm in London and they had quite a few men working for them who had been prisoners of the Japanese, and not one manged to work to his retirement age before they where struck down from illness no doubt from their years in captivity.
One chap I knew was being marched to a death camp to be killed if any allied soldier set foot on Japanese soil, and they had just got a few miles outside Hiroshima when the Atom bomb went off, and he said a few prayer praising the bomb every day.
Now I have met may Japanese people and most of them I like, but they still say that WW2 and what happened was every one else's fault bar theirs. Germany on the other hand admit what was done in their name was wrong and all though they can't change it are still ashamed that it could have happened. This is the main difference between the two countries
Agree with your impression of the japanese not having a conscience about what they did. This is why I feel we must send them a message that all is not forgotten. How can we best do that----through their pocketbook. As for the continental europeans, I still think they need to own up much more for what happened, but like you stated they have made effort.

Every year on 4 July I try to do something to remember the war. I met a couple of swabies on the Intrepid (its a museum now on the west side of the big apple) who served on her during the war. They were stationed (volunteers) on the bridge and their feelings are basically how I feel. Even after all these years they wouldn't buy a japanese car and so I am positively reinforced with these encounters but your experiences right after the war are extremely interesting and I thank you for sharing them with me. All the best.
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Japanese persons who turned 18 years of age on the last day of the war against Japan are now 83 years of age. Anyone who could possibly have had any input into Japan's colonial ambitions would be nearly 90.

It's thinking like this that shows exactly how the lunatic fringe think.

I think that it is time people stopped living in the past and got on with making the world a better place, otherwise we will end up like the ongoing hatred between the Serbs and the Croatians, which effectively stops their countries from developing to their full potential.

We must right the wrongs that can still be addressed, and do all that we can to stop ongoing wrongs. There is no sense in fretting over things that we can no longer do anything about.

Some people just thrive on hatred, and then they have the gall to say they want peace. Weird,.....
Hello, I am a new member to this forum but I am passionate about WWII history and especially about where atrocities are involved. As if war in itself wasnt an atorcity. But I digress...... I have recently read the NY Bestseller by Ira Chang, "The Rape of Nanking" and was educated as to the facts. Albeit the authoress is the daughter of parents who survived this travesty. Apparently, Nanking was not unique to this treatment by the Japanese army. Hundreds of towns and villages between the coast and the capital received the same treatment, however, their names were long and probably unpronouncable, and their occupations mere weeks compared to the months that Nanking was ground underneath the Japanese army's Imperialist boot.
Id like to review a few facts, and forgive me if I am repeating those already stated.... the general of the Japanese army that landed and invaded China was not the same man who masterminded the occupation of Nanking. This man was Prince Asaka, relative of Emperor Hirohito. This man was disgraced in an earlier incident that escapes me now but he begged the Emperor to put him in charge of conquering the then capitol of China in order to "save face." Nanking at this time was the cultural and historical center of China and the degradation and torture of the populace were figured to be instrumental victories for the Japanese army. This man marched the invading army and authorized the full scale genocide of the Chinese populace. Several weeks into the occupation after most of the direct violence was over, the original general in charge of the army was photographed on horseback reviewing troops in the city. The prosecution used these photos to help a war crimes tribunal sentence him to death even though there was no direct evidence linking him to the "plunder and rape" orders tolerated by Asaka.
There was on shining spot in this mess and it surprised the hell out of me when I learned it. A ranking Nazi party member, aligned with several American and Dutch doctors, nurses and property owners were able to secure a "Safe Zone" in Nanking for Chinese refugees.... sounds funny how someone from China can be forced to be a refugee in his own country.... but this Nazi official, John Rabe was instrumental in the sparing of several thousand Chinese citizens..... and always at personal danger to himself. He was able to secure a "neutral zone" in his neighborhood from the authorization of Hitler himself. Kinda like an Eastern Schindler's list.... well it wirked for them just like that.............
In conclusion, what seems to pique most of the posters in this chain's tempers is that fact that, compared to the Nazis, it looks like the Japanese got away with murder. That is what the public record is made to show. The Emperor, Asaka, and every other member of his royal family got immunity from all war crimes in exchange for surrender. Many Japanese officers who served the Emperor faithfully in the occupation of China were summarily executed by their own government in order for the Allied tribunals to be able to "save face" and to close their investigations.
In conclusion, what seems to pique most of the posters in this chain's tempers is that fact that, compared to the Nazis, it looks like the Japanese got away with murder. That is what the public record is made to show. The Emperor, Asaka, and every other member of his royal family got immunity from all war crimes in exchange for surrender. Many Japanese officers who served the Emperor faithfully in the occupation of China were summarily executed by their own government in order for the Allied tribunals to be able to "save face" and to close their investigations.

I think the big difference in the post war criminal proceedings is that few of the Japanese that committed the crimes survived the war and it is incredibly hard to convict and punish dead men further to this I think there was a great desire to keep the Japanese out of the Soviet sphere of influence by late 1945 and so war crimes trials were more symbolic in the East than they were after the German surrender which is why many of Germans had sentences commuted.
There were many deal done between the Americans and the Japanese to prevent them facing trial for war crimes. One of the great classics of this was the Japanese Military Doctor who ran a camp in China where he conducted experiments on Allied prisoners. His main interest was Tropical Fevers and thousands died there, yet he was let of from prosecution if he handed over his research to the Americans. Yet Mengler from Germany was pursed all over the world for doing much the same thing. Now if you can explain the difference I would like to hear it.
I was researching and found out That Canadian, British and US Troops, days after D-Day were given orders to shoot
all German prisoners or Germans that surrendered. And they DID, hundreds of them! Documented Fact.

Made me think as contemplate that we weren't any better.

But the Japs brought it, to a hole different level. Made the SS look like a walk in the Park.
I was researching and found out That Canadian, British and US Troops, days after D-Day were given orders to shoot
all German prisoners or Germans that surrendered. And they DID, hundreds of them! Documented Fact.

Made me think as contemplate that we weren't any better.

But the Japs brought it, to a hole different level. Made the SS look like a walk in the Park.

See that bold red in the qoute?

Post a link, or source for that.
See that bold red in the qoute?

Post a link, or source for that.

Me Thinks! You want a piece of my sorry 6 LOL. No Problem you can throw all the Hand grenades you want in my Direction, Keeps me on my toes! Lmaooooooo

News Flash, Archived research has No LINKS! But any WWII Historian will tell you same, a Known Fact!

But Take a look at this.

Now I was watching A documentary and It Tells you the same thing.

US forces execute German Pows account from WW2.
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Now if life was so bad for the German POW why did 78.000 of them ask to remain in Britain after the end of the war. Many of the German POW met and married British women and we used to have them around our house even before the war had ended and I found them very good company.
Now if at the end of WW2 what would have happened if we transported back to Germany nearly 500.000 men with no where to go and no food, so they were released slowly back to Germany. Also after the war we still had a huge standing army and did not have the man power at home to help clear up the bomb damage so those that were here were put to work to help clear that up, for which they were housed, fed, clothed and got some spending money. Many of the German POW fitted right into Britain and did well for them selfs one even became a footballer for a top British Club, yet you can call this slavery.
The Roman Catholic Church must have had some deal with the Nazi Party as it was them who provided the Top Nazi leaders with papers, boat tickets and money to leave Europe.

Shooting of German POW........Now it is a proven fact that a number of Canadians were captured by the Germans during and around D Day yet they were bound and shot by the Germans now after seeing that would it change your our look on taking POW. Also if you had been one of the people that liberated some the death camps and you saw the horrors their just how would you look upon the guards at these camps, would treat them like a long lost friend or would they be kissing the butt of your rifle. Also there was one quote from a well known fighting American General who once stated he was not interested in seeing German snipers taken prisoners. Now the reason he said this was because the snipers had already cut down quite a number of people before they were caught.

The other thing you have to take into account was that most of Europe lay in ruins and the population was starving. Britain had to turn all its heavy bombers into dropping food supplies into Holland towards the end of the war as the Germans had cut of all the food to civilian population.

Also you have to remember that Germany had swept Europe for man power had turned most men into little more than slaves and when peace came you had some 7 million people trying to make their way home from slavery and they were also looking for pay back, and remember that they had to walk home as there was very little transport and even less food.

Really you would have had to live it to understand just what went on, and all the people that write these books are interested in is a few cheap headlines to promote their books
Now it is a proven fact that a number of Canadians were captured by the Germans during and around D Day yet they were bound and shot by the Germans now after seeing that would it change your our look on taking POW.

That happen at that Church in July 44. On the Normandy Link It talks about It. And clearly states both sides did same.
Germans Shot Allied Prisoners and the Allies did same. A total disregard for the Geneva Convention.

Like You stated you see so much injustices that at one point you don't care and you do same.

But The Japs for there Horrific Atrocities have yet, till this date have not Apologised.