Looking back at Optio's quotation, in Post 21 regarding of the original issue of discussion post by Grimmy, one might ask which culture we are trying to save from whom. On the one side claims are being made that a war is going on against Terrorism based on radical Islam, on the other people such as, Professor Tibbi from Syria, free to speak in Europe and America about the need to accept a new form of Islam within these countries. Is it possible to have an Islam which does not follow the Koran, in which, the call for violence against non-believers is not approved?
True, Christians have also in the past also tried to spread their religion by force, but the actions of those involved were in no way covered by the teachings of Christ. Should we really make the same mistake with democracy?
To call for destruction as many on these lines do, is asking for a form of policy dating back to prehistoric times. Destroy all the people who disagree with you, and you can live in peace! Sounds good, but it has never worked!. Winning both the hearts and mind can only be done, by showing that our western way of life is better.
Military threats and actions just cause yet more violence and hate. Such methods are a sign of failure a bringing only anguish to those affected. It seemed quite clear after WW2, that an effective army is one that is so strong, that it does not have to be used. Many of today's politicians choose to disagree with this definition, with the result that we are further from peace now, than we were before Bush and Blair took their role in world history.
KJ 's View as I understand it, is that he agrees with Grimmy's comment "Our only responsibility is to protect our own. That is it. That is all." May I remind you, this was the type of driving thought behind Hitler's policies, he wanted the injustices done to Germany following WW1 corrected, what this led to is fairly well known. Unfortunately some of the remarks about Nazis these days, even within the German government itself, show an enormous lack of historic knowledge. Organisations such as The British Empire League or Klu Klux Klan were no better and grew up within our own societies. Evil s not specific to a nation or race, but All to often facts are not wanted if they do not agree with the policies being pursued,
If it is true to say, "We have mullahs preaching hatred of us" surely the first question should be: Why?
Treating the symptoms by using force may give respite, it does not cure the illness or stop its cause.
The winner take all fight is a dream, the more killed, the more will wish to take revenge may be not now, but possibly at some future date when we are not expecting it, as was the case with 9/11.
Somalia put it fairly clearly " The Senate committee and the CIA both recently stated that their were no connections between Al'qada and Saddam," so why are we making enemies of people who for years were allies in the fight against communism? Were they considered to be monsters in those days? This is not the only case where double standards and dishonesty on our side have dirtied the sort of culture we claim to be fighting for.
Some say, my country right or wrong? Surely as a true patriot it would be my first duty (as far as I can), to make sure we are right! Anything else means I am no better than those I am fighting. Phoenix80 might disagree, and from a democratic point of view this is allowed, but is "blah, blah, blah" a culture worth defending?