to you democrats and bush haters in general

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It's truly amazing to me how completely slick Willy and his gang pulled the wool over so many people's eyes. Here's a man who's most remarkable achievement was pardoning Mark Rich. Remember him, the guy known as the "fugitive financier"? The guy who was living in the lap of luxury in Switzerland while avoiding $100 million in taxes. I always thought that a pardon was reserved for people who at least did some time for their transgressions. The words values and ethics were unknown to Clinton.
Check out this link for some more of the facts, Clinton style.
apparently not and he conned the nation. Also the countrys gonna be in the red for a few more decades. Anyone want to run for president in '08?
Darkmb101 said:
Anyone want to run for president in '08?

Hm, maybe I should give it a try...
Then you would see some REAL changes in the world... :twisted:
Anyone who WANTS to be president should BY NO MEANS ever BE President. I mean, who truly believes "You know, I bet I'd be better at running the most powerful country on Earth than ANYONE else."
Anyone who can say that to themselves and mean it has serious mental issues.
And MB, I was being sarcastic. He DID balance the budget. Sure, he conned us. He's a politician, right? That's their job. Bush does it, they ALL do it. Look at the WMD argument. That was a con. Classic bait and switch. "We're gonna go fight cause they are linked to Alquaeda. No links to Alquaeda found? Well, we're gonna fight because they have weapons of mass destruction. No WMD found? This fight is about freeing people from an evil dictator!" :roll:
The funny part is, year after year we keep falling for this goodcop/badcop routine. That's why, politically, I've decided to side with Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, in deciding that that Government is best which governs least.
Jamoni said:
Anyone who WANTS to be president should BY NO MEANS ever BE President. I mean, who truly believes "You know, I bet I'd be better at running the most powerful country on Earth than ANYONE else."
Anyone who can say that to themselves and mean it has serious mental issues.

What about world dictator then? :lol:

(ok, I'll slap my own hand... off-topic..Bad Redleg!! ;) )

You americans kill me...It dosent matter, democrats, republicans, power currupts all, besides me.....Sherman for president! ;) :lol:
I nominate myself president of Jamoniland. I predict a landslide victory based on my 100% approval rating in the polls. Apparently I stand for all the values that the citizen of Jamoniland wants to see in a leader.
hey, when did that happen?

but back to politics, why are we talkin about politcs anyways? they never do anything right unless theyre lucky.
Jamoni has been giving many campaign speeches which are well received by the Citizen of Jamoniland. Political analysts predict a 1-0 landslide in the popular vote.
Janie has just quit a forum whose political "debates" got too outrageous and insulting. Discussing politics in a public forum never disseminates information. Just gets people to choose sides.
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