July 18
390 B.C. Battle of Allia
1656 Battle of Warsaw
1861 Battle of 1st Manassas, opening actions
1863 Union troops assault Battery Wagner near Charleston, S.C. Attack is defeated with 1,515 casulties out of the 5,000 Union troops, Brig. Gen Strong is mortally wounded, Brig. Gen Seymour is wounded, as is 6 of 10 Regt Commanders & Col. Shaw of the 54th Mass is killed. 170 of 1,000 CS defenders are casulties. This battle is depicted @ the end of the movie "Glory".
1942 1st flight of Me-262 by jet engines only
1996 Battle of Mullaitivu
390 B.C. Battle of Allia
1656 Battle of Warsaw
1861 Battle of 1st Manassas, opening actions
1863 Union troops assault Battery Wagner near Charleston, S.C. Attack is defeated with 1,515 casulties out of the 5,000 Union troops, Brig. Gen Strong is mortally wounded, Brig. Gen Seymour is wounded, as is 6 of 10 Regt Commanders & Col. Shaw of the 54th Mass is killed. 170 of 1,000 CS defenders are casulties. This battle is depicted @ the end of the movie "Glory".
1942 1st flight of Me-262 by jet engines only
1996 Battle of Mullaitivu