Things that Go Bump in The Night

Do you believe...

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It is a private school, IN SC the South carolina schools are ranked 49th in the nation so to get a good educaion you go to private.
Yes to ghosts because I've seen several and experienced strange happenings mostly where I work ,100yr old mental hospital (if the walls could talk), and occasionally at home , next door to a cemetery.
My place is haunted. My whole family knows it. Ever since they've lived on this property (since 1956) we've seen a ghost wander around the grounds (always an inidentifiable shillouette)... It's a benevolent ghost so it doesn't matter.

My place is in the Adelaide hills and was built in 1889, its a 2 story 21 room house+extensive underground cellars+stables, and one of the stable hands died here in the early 1900's. It's believed to be the ghost of the stable hand.

So yeah, I'm a believer.
Do you guys beleive in Ghost,Vampires and things like that?

and don't even make a joke about the Russia Count Dracula,

I Beleive thier are ghost out thier but nothing else.

No, I dont in those you mentioned ..but I do believe in the spiritual world, and the reality of angels of light and the fallen/darkness angels, rulers, principalities,powers of darkness, spiritual wickedness.
Vampires, werewolves, and all those mythical creatures - no, not at all.
Ghosts - just maybe, I've seen some inexplicable stuff but I remain a skeptic.
Aliens - question of when, not if. Are they among us? No, but somebody's out there.
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I think you see whatever you want to see. If you want to believe in ghosts then you'll probably see something that makes you think it's a ghost. To each their own.
If vampires were real...cute in the romance novels....

Yummy, come bite me.

But no, I don't really believe, even though it might be fun now and again.

As for aliens and ghosts, I'm siding with what ML said.