Doppleganger said:battery said:I'm going to go with U.S. Navy 1990- onwards, the Royal Navy never had as much influence as the U.S. today now does... We can't really compare these generations of fleets by firepower, rather their influence at the seas. Definately the U.S
Well if you're talking about influence at sea then there's no question that the RN of the 19th Century was in the main the most influential navy in history. The RN was virtually unchallenged for long periods and forged a worldwide empire that lasted tens of decades. The US Navy today does have tremendous influence but I don't think you can say it quite has the same influence simply because of the world being a smaller place and there being other modes of travel in particular air travel. Back in the 19th Century if the RN wanted to blockade you or cut off your shipping lanes by God they would do it. There was no alternate modes of travel that spanned continents in those days.