The World's Nations Vs Terror

Now now....Easy everyone!!!

The 1.3 Billlion muslims are definetly not all terror supporters. Islam dose have a lot of people using it for wrong things, but its not an evil religion. On the other hand, I do believe that we need to look into the muslim countries very well, and punish those supporting terror.
Yeah yeah, I almost always add "but I do not think Islam as a whole is a evil religion" but I didn't bother this time, I thought I had already said it in this topic.
I've been thinking about it, and I've come to the conclusion that there is a solution to terrorism. One that would probably actually work. Problem is, I don't know of any nation that is ruthless and crazy enough to actually carry it out. For each successful terrorist attack launched, the nation in question completely destrys a Muslim city. That city would be the most populated city of the nation who was the primary source of the attack. If no particular nation-state is obvious, pick one from any Muslim nation that is currently funding terrorist groups. Obviously, the nation carrying out such a thing would have to be completely mad.
godofthunder9010 said:
I've been thinking about it, and I've come to the conclusion that there is a solution to terrorism. One that would probably actually work. Problem is, I don't know of any nation that is ruthless and crazy enough to actually carry it out. For each successful terrorist attack launched, the nation in question completely destrys a Muslim city. That city would be the most populated city of the nation who was the primary source of the attack. If no particular nation-state is obvious, pick one from any Muslim nation that is currently funding terrorist groups. Obviously, the nation carrying out such a thing would have to be completely mad.
I think that's a great way to give people a reason to become terrorists. Killing innocent people will only strenghten terrorists in their beliefs and help them convince other people to join them. In my opinion; bad idea.
I agree with 1217. You must rutlessly target the terorists and their supportes, but never innocents it makes you as bad as they are.
Well, that's the formula that Stalin, Hitler, Ghengis Khan or the Roman Empire would have used to solve the problem. The modern civilized world doesn't conceive of such things. They shouldn't. It was just a passing thought really.

The only true solution to global terrorism is for the fundamentalist groups who use it to have a much greater reason not to use it. How that is accomplished is difficult to say. Giving into their demands only leads to more demands and is not solution at all. If you completely take away their funding and support, and they will likely still find a way to strike. There are lots of homemade explosive recipes in fairly broad circulation.
Good point but....

Take away their funding if you can most of the irish republican army`s funding came from running protection rackets, and the such. Recently they have branched out into drugs. But as they have some morals they refuse to sell it to their own country men, so they distribute to mainland Britain or Europe.
Osama Bin Laden is not a poor man his family has quite a bit of pocket money. This is a bloke who could wipe his arse with a handfull of fifty pound notes and not bat an eyelid so take their funding christ if the british government could raise money as easy as terrorists did taxes wouldnt be so high lol
And speaking as someone who gets a security brief every 6 mths the IRA, PIRA, and various European groups are still brought to our attention even if the main focus at the present moment in time is Al Qaida.
Jay :lol:
True Story.

This happened to my friend at work.

There are a few Muslims at my work all nice guys, their really friendly they say hi and are pretty much easy to get along with, I actually am friendly with them all.

One of my co-workers who is a good freind of mine at work is Egyptian, but not Muslim. One day one of the Muslims had approached him thinking that he was also Muslim, and speaking thier common language Farsi. He goes up to him and says; that it was good that 9-11 happened to the USA and that it needed to be taught a lesson.

Think about it the guy lives here in the USA and says stuff like that. Alot of the Muslims may not be terrorist but they sure are sympathetic to what they do. Makes me think of how many of them would be willing to step over that line whan the time comes.

I don't think Islam is evil per say, but it had the potencial to gravitate towards it. If you study the Muslim religion will will find that it tends to have a view for world domination and some Muslims take this more seriuosly than others. And as far as this is concerened there will always be radicals and extremist, always.
Big_Z said:
To be honest with you most Americans dont give a damn about China. And I doubt china Pressured America into Anything. There is nothing for us to gain by attacking your interest.

I really hope so :D

China will send troops to Haiti

Btw, about how to beat terrorisme:
I hope all major countries can cooperate on the issue, then it will be a lot easier. We are still lucky, the terrorists are just a very small group, they pop up no more than twice per year, on a scale with some big sense.