egoz: wrote: The problem will giving too much information to the public is that they'll have too much information. If the public understood how close we've come to serious terrorist attacks since 9/11 we'd never be able to function.
A very, very interesting point of view egoz
You see there are people that has some speartime to actually look into these attacks on their freetime so to say. But I got the impression that our different gov, and the media is trying to how do I say this in english, quarantine a lot of the information from the people.
I also got the impression from their tactics that they dont want their personal agendas or principles to be interrupt by people that starts to ask themself what is going on and why aren´t you telling me this? I dont like when our different gov, and the media is telling the people a lie that everything is peachy and green on the other side of the bridge that you are passing by every day.
I can honestly say that the different principles and the political agendas in some countries infact make things more easy for the terrorists to operate. If for an example sweden was serious in their talks about fighting the terorrism, wouldnt information be brought to people in the big citys and actually working plans to protect and save lifes in a chrisis of a major terrorist attack actually be better then showing hours of soap operas where dumb people interacts on farms all over the world, or this new MTV stunt Idol 2004 where young people try to be megastars in TV where they get totaly cut down, hanged out, laughed at, humiliated, in a degrading way?
Would it not be better if they filled the television and the radios with information that showed this world from a different point of view. How about showing the world from its true face? The reallity is something I have to live with every single day. If more people saw the effects of a terrorattack or the true intensions of a terrorist organisation I also think more countries would be more willing to help U.S and other nations to fight the videspread terrorism that actually are feeding on our different gov, personal agendas and principles.
When will I see the true face of war? Probably the day when the terrorists blows up a train in rush hour traffic. Probably when thousands of thousands of city people are fleeing for their lifes from quarantine zones, hounted and followed by every nutcase that can feed on plundering, robbing, looting.
I sincerly think that if more gov, and media as the free media that is a powerful instrument in todays society could show the people the information that was relative regardless to the political principles and agendas then we would see this Terrorist threat disappear a bit quicker and people could then sit down and look at soft soap operas and follow Idol 2004 on every TV station they want to togheter with the do it selfe programs and cooking programs untill they choke on it, but now its not the right time.
Soldiers are dying, families are being ripped appart in their homes, and at the trainstations, this is a time when you dont really have afford to **** around to be honest. I sincerly think that big parts of Europe are acting fairly pathetic to get this terrorist threat go away. They are acting as the young people in Idol 2004 with "nothing gonna happen" - attitude and good people will get hurt. For what? For what?
They have to much to think on allready? I think its time to drop the dicks and on with the socks for our gov and media, and take a large step out in to the reallity and face the facts that they are only helping these terrorists continue killing people. Look at all organisations listed over here in my previous message. If I was the primeminister of sweden, It would not take many hours to secure this country from this type of organisations.
I would take these persons/organisations regardless of their believes and send them back to where they came from and there they could fight their gouverments or different states but not at the cost on my peoples safety and if people get a dose of good pure reallity they would agree with me and not trying to hide behind useless excuses and BS thinking where citypeople makes all the thinking and the country people pays the price for their stupidity and naive political correct bird songs in the long term.