The Rise and Fall of Gender


Could be worse, though. You could have been Scottish and wearing something green. Oh crap!! You have been wearing something green and very disturbing

And it's full of pervs, or at least one and (s)he is beyond a perv, (s)he is a cabbage head and wears sandals (what a sad sight)

I think it began when they invented whisky, it went downhill from there.
crossdressing, eating something disgusting, and the worst music instrument in the world, which is the missing link between noise and sound. All of these thing can be blamed on the scotch.

I think it began when they invented whisky, it went downhill from there.
crossdressing, eating something disgusting, and the worst music instrument in the world, which is the missing link between noise and sound. All of these thing can be blamed on the scotch.
My dear friend 13,
I enjoy listening to BAGPIPES! Talk about eating something disgusting ... how bout pickled herring?! And licorice ice cream? Ewww!
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If you know the Brits in the same way as I do, you have reasons for being very concerned about their intentions.

Whisky, Cognac, and poker. it sounds very interesting. What kind of poker are we talking about?

The ONLY kind... (when the Jokers are wild). ;)

Pickled herring goes very well to the aquavit (spiced vodka) and for the ice cream, I don't know. I don't eat ice cream, candy, chocolate, desserts or any other thing with a sweet flavor.

The wild one, I like that. Can you elaborate more about the wild version of poker?
In quite a few pubs in UK they sell Pickled Herrings, known as Roll Mops, a mate of mine loved them. Whenever he bought a jar I nearly threw up.:sick:

Disgusting bloody things.
Dearest 13, You don't like sweets? Really?! Wow !(you amaze me more and more as each day passes,my dear). No Ben & Jerry's "Cherry Garcia" then for you. Ha ha! Your loss!
When a card is deemed wild, it can be a playing card that you need at the moment. Like a King ... or maybe a two to complete your hand.


p.s. Please, PLEASE don a kilt.
My God, they look sexy on a guy w nice gams!
And you got 'em!
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