The Rise and Fall of Gender


I'm only responding with a lower count this time because I'm not happy about going to sleep after that movie I watched....

The Exorcist (I'd never seen it before and I usually don't want scary movies at night. The whole demon thing and flashing pictures between the scenes bugged me out).
507. I don't really buy it... I mean, walking backwards with your head 180 degrees around... Just don't happen... Satan might be powerful enough to possess people, but he's not powerful enough to defy the laws of human biology.

LOL. Yeah, sure He's not.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not sure how much I buy into that (as a movie, or how much it is "based"), but I'm sure if Satan wanted to "defy" the laws of humanity he would.

Nah, I still don't think that could happen... He's a fallen angel. He has to resort to underhanded tactics and manipulation to get people to Hell. He couldn't just do that kind of thing to people.