the purpose of Side Boy Honor Guard aboard military ships

Mark Conley

Active member
In todays military, we have many unique customs. What is not realized is that what is now custom formely had a real purpose. Take the use of Side Boys to welcome a ranking visitor aboard a military vessel. It is the task of assigning two, four, six, or eight men to line both sides of the gangplank based on the ascending rank of the officer visiting the vessel, with two being assigned for ensigns and Lts, up to eight for admirals and above. More rank, more honor guard, right? But this system originally served a darker purpose....

this custom came from the British Navy of the 17-18 century. back then, men did not often have the luxury of walking on to their ships: most had to transfer from a small boat to the larger ship by Ladder, or by a device called a bosun's chair, which was essentially a seat attached to a yardarm by a block and tackle. Here where the revelance comes about: the younger and less rank you had, the lighter you were. thus, a light midshipman or LT needed only two men on the haul rope, while a long endurance and often very stout Admiral, having eaten everything and then some over their forty year carreers, tended to need eight men to pull them up. additional jobs, such as availng themselves to steady the person after getting them to the deck, and helping with the persons luggage and other dunnage they would bring with them, also necessitated a required number of hands based on their weight or amounts of belongings collect thruout the years.
Good one.. :D

Didn't know that one.
A lot of our military traditions and customs have originally served another purpose, without us realizing it...
It reflects culture anywhere in general. It serves a purpose or served a purpose and that's why it's there. But no one can quite remember why.
If nobody remember's why, then it's time for it to die. If people start dying left and right because the geneal's building isn't playing that carosel soung at 8am (or is it 730?), then we can reinstate it. But it serves absoutely no purpose anymore except to cuase us privates to stop in complete amazement and dumbfoundment.... the salutes I can understand keeping around, the ranks as they are, yes...... but the akward dress uniform and gay blue infantry cord, the ceromonies, etc have got to go.

(I am so angry with my Class A Uniform.... it is ironically the only outfit I have in my entire wardrobe that isn't combat effective... and it's a military uniform! WTF?)
Airborne said:
Yes, and we need to really need to start pruning the useless stuff away.

I disagree, It's what seperates us from the Civvies.

"Weasling out of things is important to learn, It's what separates us from the animals... except the weasels."

Tradition is part of giving us a history. I for one think that we need history and traditions to give us a unity. This is important in all life but more in the armed forces where H and T ties bonds with your teammates. It all ads up to when, if need be you give the greatest sacrifice of all, your life , to something larger than you. Keep traditions I say.

traditions, customs, and courtestys will always be a part of a profession or service...and it is what seperates us from the rest. now, if some admiral wants his favorite song played at 3 in the morning...its part of his privlage and somewhat part of our misery, but i wouldnt think it was a custom nor a a tradition would be to paint FTN on the wall behind that admirals podium while he was giving their going away speech....;-)

For those that forgot...FTN means F@*K the Navy!
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Royal Navy Officer submariners carries out the Queens "Loyal Toast" while sitting down.

During my time in the RAF ensign flew from a yard arm as a tribute to the RNAS. When the RAF was formed in 1918 it was from the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service. Today it seems the ensign flies from a normal type pole
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