by Carrie Lauth
Laundry can be a huge time sucker and it's the task many Moms dread most. It doesn't have to be this way. Here are some tips to help you tame the laundry beast.
Minimize the amount of laundry you do by creating new standards of "dirty". If you wear a pair of jeans for two hours then put on your shorts, are the jeans dirty? Not in my house. Pajamas put on a clean body at night after a bath and worn once aren't dirty either. Ditto for a towel that blots a freshly scrubbed body. Teach your kids that dirty means it has food or obvious dirt marks on it. The exception? Underwear of course!
Minimize sorting by putting a hamper in each bedroom that has 3 slots. One for whites, one for dark, one for mixed colors. For kids that are very young, try cutting out a large circle from construction paper for each category. Tape these on the wall above the hamper to show where to put each color. Alternately, you could buy inexpensive colored bins that match laundry colors.
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