The Danger of Drugs

Trooper you may think its bad in UK, its far worse here. The average crime clear up rate was 6%, now its dropped to under 1%. Quite a number of police have been charged with corruption, rape, robbery and murder, yet they get away with it time after time. Nowadays, the general consensus is don't call the cops, deal with the problem yourself.

Our head chief of police who was in line to command Interpol is now spending 15 years in jail.

Now, that is really bad if we have the police as the "organised crime" group.

In this case, what can a citizen do? taking the law into your own hands, that may not be smart move, Mr Brit...

Here, in Singapore, the head of the Civil Defence and the head of the Central Narcotics Bureau was just removed pending investigation for possible corruption and misuse of power- heaven help the two chaps once the prosecutor is done with them.

I am not saying that my country has a perfect system, but we do go hard on civil servants who are "dirty"- no mercy spared. the whole book will be thrown at them. The idea is that no other fella will be tempted to do the ssame in the near future, butsomehow someone will try their luck- I say good luck to these blokes.
Now, that is really bad if we have the police as the "organised crime" group.

In this case, what can a citizen do? taking the law into your own hands, that may not be smart move, Mr Brit...

Here, in Singapore, the head of the Civil Defence and the head of the Central Narcotics Bureau was just removed pending investigation for possible corruption and misuse of power- heaven help the two chaps once the prosecutor is done with them.

I am not saying that my country has a perfect system, but we do go hard on civil servants who are "dirty"- no mercy spared. the whole book will be thrown at them. The idea is that no other fella will be tempted to do the ssame in the near future, butsomehow someone will try their luck- I say good luck to these blokes.

At present with the majority the ANC have we cannot get a change of government, all of the problems we are experiencing is directly or indirectly caused by the ANC. We are now living in a reverse apartheid where all the top jobs are given to people who do not have the education or the ability to do the job. When the ANC state the blacks were never given the educational chances the whites had is total and utter BS. Mandela was a lawyer, where did he get his degree? Whites DID provide schools in rural area's for the blacks to the same standard as the white schools. Black pupils got their education free of charge, whites didn't. The ANC war cry was "FREEDOM BEFORE EDUCATION." What the average ANC voter can't seem to grasp is "Education IS Freedom."

Farm attacks where farmers are raped, tortured and murdered is a campaign to get whites off of their land. Many of those who committed those murders who were caught admitted they were ordered to do it by the local ANC leader. Every single farm that have been handed over to ANC supporters are not being worked, they stand fallow. Where South Africa was exporting food, South Africa are now importing.

A friend of mine shot dead a burglar, while his Rottweiler took care of the second burglar. He called the cops one of which wanted to arrest him for murder. He pointed out that both men were armed, yet they still wanted to lock him up. He had his firearm in his hands and said, "I've got 7 rounds left in this that says I'm not going to jail." The senior officer in charge saw the situation getting out of hand said that no one is going to jail. My friend told me that in future he wont call the cops, he'll dump their bodies in the sea and let the great whites eat the evidence.

The police are not applying the law as it should be applied, so we have to take care of ourselves.

Believe me I could go on for hours.
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At present with the majority the ANC have we cannot get a change of government, all of the problems we are experiencing is directly or indirectly caused by the ANC. We are now living in a reverse apartheid where all the top jobs are given to people who do not have the education or the ability to do the job. When the ANC state the blacks were never given the educational chances the whites had is total and utter BS. Mandela was a lawyer, where did he get his degree? Whites DID provide schools in rural area's for the blacks to the same standard as the white schools. Black pupils got their education free of charge, whites didn't. The ANC war cry was "FREEDOM BEFORE EDUCATION." What the average ANC voter can't seem to grasp is "Education IS Freedom."

Farm attacks where farmers are raped, tortured and murdered is a campaign to get whites off of their land. Many of those who committed those murders who were caught admitted they were ordered to do it by the local ANC leader. Every single farm that have been handed over to ANC supporters are not being worked, they stand fallow. Where South Africa was exporting food, South Africa are now importing.

A friend of mine shot a dead burglar, while his Rottweiler took care of the second burglar. He call the cops one of which wanted to arrest him for murder. He pointed out that both men were armed, yet they still wanted to lock him up. He had his firearm in his hands and said, "I've got 7 rounds left in this that says I'm not going to jail." The senior officer in charge saw the situation getting out of hand said that no one is going to jail. My friend told me that in future he wont call the cops, he'll dump their bodies in the sea and let the great whites eat the evidence.

The police are not applying the law as it should be applied, so we have to take care of ourselves.

Believe me I could go on for hours.

Wow... never know it was like that. I grew up with the idea that the blacks were discriminated against in SA. You've given me a new perspective and outlook about your country, Mr Brit. I supposed this is what happens when you govern the country along racial lines- things get muddled up real bad.

I take it that drug situation is equally bad...

You know, guys, I've just had this funny and crazy idea. All these drug pushers, when they are caught, we should just gat them to consume the stuff they are peddling- all at one go... and see what happens, then.

Just a thought....
Wow... never know it was like that. I grew up with the idea that the blacks were discriminated against in SA. You've given me a new perspective and outlook about your country, Mr Brit. I supposed this is what happens when you govern the country along racial lines- things get muddled up real bad.

I take it that drug situation is equally bad...

You know, guys, I've just had this funny and crazy idea. All these drug pushers, when they are caught, we should just gat them to consume the stuff they are peddling- all at one go... and see what happens, then.

Just a thought....

What many do not realise before 1994 South Africa was divided up in homelands for the blacks and the whites. The blacks had Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, and Ciskei, run and ruled by themselves. In each homeland they had their own version of apartheid, whites couldn't get jobs there unless they were recruited to do highly technical jobs, job they didn't have the education or ability to do themselves.

Blacks came to white South Africa from the homelands to get jobs as they couldn't manage in their own homelands. The whites provided schools and hospitals for the blacks.

It does go deeper then that, but the vast majority of what you have heard and read is BS ANC propaganda. You have probably seen the black shanty townships on TV, what you aren't told is that they have property, usually quite large farms in their former homelands, they were ordered to form the townships by the ANC. What annoys me, people around the world put extreme pressure on South Africa to allow elections for people who were not actually South African citizens, now we have been left with the crap. One chap in the US told me that he regretted his involvement in protests against the South African government. What people around the world don't hear is that the ANC ran "education camps," which were in effect punishment camps. You probably heard that Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in jail. Yea right.

Yes drugs are a big problem in South Africa since the 1994 elections, many of the police officers are involved.
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You know, guys, I've just had this funny and crazy idea. All these drug pushers, when they are caught, we should just gat them to consume the stuff they are peddling- all at one go... and see what happens, then.

Just a thought....

Good idea, but now days they are users too. They turn to dealing to pay for their habbit.
We recently had a very large increase in fatal overdoses.
It was found that some one had got hold of some extremely pure heroin and had not cut it with anything before distributing it.
In the six county area we cover we had six fatal o/ds in one week.
At the other end, a recent piece of research found that cocaine at street level, was only 4% pure after being cut with so much crap.
This meant users were not getting the high they were used to so were buying more and taking more, all leading to more o/ds.
A vicious circle.
Good idea, but now days they are users too. They turn to dealing to pay for their habbit.
We recently had a very large increase in fatal overdoses.
It was found that some one had got hold of some extremely pure heroin and had not cut it with anything before distributing it.
In the six county area we cover we had six fatal o/ds in one week.
At the other end, a recent piece of research found that cocaine at street level, was only 4% pure after being cut with so much crap.
This meant users were not getting the high they were used to so were buying more and taking more, all leading to more o/ds.
A vicious circle.

Do not get me wrong, Trooper, and I know I will get flak from some quarter for what I am about to say...

That is 6 foolish people that won't bother you anymore...
Do not get me wrong, Trooper, and I know I will get flak from some quarter for what I am about to say...

That is 6 foolish people that won't bother you anymore...

I do not disagree with you.
I know some people turn to drugs and dring to help them cope with demons in their past but, I know people with just the same sort of demons who do not need the drugs or drink to cope.
From what I have seen in twenty years of service as a Paramedic, is a people who use drugs because they can.
If they want to play Russian Roulette with chemicals, then they must be prepared for the consequences.
I do not disagree with you.
I know some people turn to drugs and dring to help them cope with demons in their past but, I know people with just the same sort of demons who do not need the drugs or drink to cope.
From what I have seen in twenty years of service as a Paramedic, is a people who use drugs because they can.
If they want to play Russian Roulette with chemicals, then they must be prepared for the consequences.

Could not agree more with you, brother...:-P:-P:-P
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I know about these consequences of drug abuse all to well.

It's slowly aparent that drugs are slowly poisoning my community. Every week I see more and more of people I grew up with and went to school with ending up in jail or on the way to long term incaceration.

Even adults I knew as a child.

The phrases of "Possession" or "Possession with intent to distribute" and " Controlled Substance" are all to common.

It's one thing when you see a poster of strangers, but people you were playing ball with as kid and know have the potential to be a great person in person now "caught up" with drugs and lost,

That drives a point home, and brings a whole new meaning to the phrase poison for the system.:???:
I know about these consequences of drug abuse all to well.

It's slowly aparent that drugs are slowly poisoning my community. Every week I see more and more of people I grew up with and went to school with ending up in jail or on the way to long term incaceration.

Even adults I knew as a child.

The phrases of "Possession" or "Possession with intent to distribute" and " Controlled Substance" are all to common.

It's one thing when you see a poster of strangers, but people you were playing ball with as kid and know have the potential to be a great person in person now "caught up" with drugs and lost,

That drives a point home, and brings a whole new meaning to the phrase poison for the system.:???:

I know what you mean, bro...

You are right when you mentioned that it hits you most when it involves people that we are close with, or someone we care for dearly.

This is something that no poster or education to drug abuse can tell you. It can be really painful.

I wish the government all over the world can deal with drug traffickers the same way that they would deal with terrorism- nip it at the bud, and use of force, if necessary. The way it destroys society is no different from a terrorist attack- only the terrorist is quicker in killing its target.
I wish the government all over the world can deal with drug traffickers the same way that they would deal with terrorism- nip it at the bud, and use of force, if necessary. The way it destroys society is no different from a terrorist attack- only the terrorist is quicker in killing its target.

In the late 80s, early 90s, the British Government tried to support the Governments of major drug producing countries by sending Special Air Service Regiment advisors to them to help them train anti-drug task forces.
They found that the corruption at all levels was so extreme that no matter what percautions they took, the drug manufacturers and traffickers were almost always tipped off to their raids.
With the amount of money involved in drugs, it is unlikely that their will ever be a solution. Too many people getting too much money.
The odd individual who does make a stand is on his own, and will be scared off or killed.
These guys are getting so sophisticated in their opperations, they have developed submarines to transport their poison around the place.
In the late 80s, early 90s, the British Government tried to support the Governments of major drug producing countries by sending Special Air Service Regiment advisors to them to help them train anti-drug task forces.
They found that the corruption at all levels was so extreme that no matter what percautions they took, the drug manufacturers and traffickers were almost always tipped off to their raids.
With the amount of money involved in drugs, it is unlikely that their will ever be a solution. Too many people getting too much money.
The odd individual who does make a stand is on his own, and will be scared off or killed.
These guys are getting so sophisticated in their opperations, they have developed submarines to transport their poison around the place.

Very true indeed, Trooper, the amount of money involved id like some small country's GDP.

Because of the money they have and the amount of power, add this to corrupt government officials, nothing we can do, or very little. When some country, like mine, imposes stiff laws governing drug abuse or trafficking, we are labelled as draconians and inhuman, but I can safely say that the drug problem is kept to all time low, compared to others.

I still stick to the idea that we should see this as a form of terrorism, because terrorist in some countries are using the drug trade as means to fund their activities...:bang:
When some country, like mine, imposes stiff laws governing drug abuse or trafficking, we are labelled as draconians and inhuman, but I can safely say that the drug problem is kept to all time low, compared to others.

Unfortunately this counrty seems to have lost sight of the role of punishment in the criminal justice system.
There is no fear of the law.
There is no deterance.
There is no respect.
There is no hope.
I refer back to my original post. Middle of the road laws are completely and utterly useless, either make the drugs legal or bring in the death penalty for transporting and or dealing in drugs. Addicts are given cold turkey and a jail sentence. Finished and klar.

Rant over.
Unfortunately this counrty seems to have lost sight of the role of punishment in the criminal justice system.
There is no fear of the law.
There is no deterance.
There is no respect.
There is no hope.

I know what you mean, Trooper.

In the meantime, services provided by you and the likes is seen as a convinience, rather than a "use only when really needed in an emergency". It is people like you and your guys that have to pick up the pieces of broken bodies and spirits when they messed up. And do you get thanked for the job? Its more like "...this is what you are paid for, man..." response...

I always respond to queries about my job as a critical care nurse back when I was in the ICU- my response has always been, "I love my job, its the work I hate..."
My crew mate and me saved an O/D's life.
He had taken a large dose of Heroin and it knocked out his respiratory centre.
We got him breathing again and got him into A&E sharpish, where he accused me and my crew mate of stealing his phone, his Rolex, and £2500 in cash he had on him!
The Police officer who was with us, laughed in his face at the accusations, especially about the Rolex and the Cash, but he stuck to his claims, so we both had to be searched and the had to search the ambulance.
I told the ungrateful little turd that if I ever got called to him again, I wouldn't lay a finger on him untill the Police arrived, no matter what the situation was.
My crew mate and me saved an O/D's life.
He had taken a large dose of Heroin and it knocked out his respiratory centre.
We got him breathing again and got him into A&E sharpish, where he accused me and my crew mate of stealing his phone, his Rolex, and £2500 in cash he had on him!
The Police officer who was with us, laughed in his face at the accusations, especially about the Rolex and the Cash, but he stuck to his claims, so we both had to be searched and the had to search the ambulance.
I told the ungrateful little turd that if I ever got called to him again, I wouldn't lay a finger on him untill the Police arrived, no matter what the situation was.

I would do that, bro!

Reminds me of a verse I once come across-

We are the willing
Led by the unknowing
Doing the impossible
For the ungrateful

Does ring a bell, doesn't it?
people who do drugs are stupid to start with and if people would smartin up stay in school and stop turning up a bottle, snorting a line, or smoke wen something goes wrong this world mite improve just a little bit drugs have claimed the lives of many people even some innocent because what people dont relize that the drugs and drinking not only effect them but their family and friends.