The Cadet Image

In my expierence, there's always a generally good feeling towards cadets in JROTC. I've never seen a cadet stopped by a teacher or other school administrator for anything such as running or walking through the halls during class. However, on the opposite side of this is there will always be some pricks who mock cadets and what we stand for. The important thing is to remember that they are typically just ignorant individuals and that we must set the example by ignoring their attacks.

Up here, at my high school, the vast majority of students hold us in extremely high regard, espically us drill team members, because they realize we accumulate more hours of practice than the sports teams, have a longer season (almost 6 months), and we consistantly bring home more awards and trophies for the school.
Some students crack jokes and tell us to "go play war" and I've even had some yell comments like "why dont you go kill a baby like you're good at?"
We also get the kids that hiel and salute when we walk past, we just ignore em and they laugh it off. Although, they've wisened up to check for our Master Gunny before doing it, because he's come down hard as hell on students for that.

We had 2 kids go after my CO earlier this year, they tried grabbing one of our M-1 Drill Rifles, and when Robbie (my CO), stopped them, he got shoved back, and in order to secure our weapons, we had to use force, both kids (they were Juniors), ended up with bloody noses and a lot of wounded pride since they picked a fight with 9 NJROTC cadets and got absolutely slaughtered. They reported us to our Master Gunnery Sergeant, and he got them suspended for fighting with us and attempting to have possession of a weapon on school grounds. Thats how much respect we get.
Perosonally, i dont see one think funny or childish about cadets. Most of the top athletes and academics at our school are cadets, and I go to high school.
Kids used to make fun of me for being a geek or wimp, but I couldn't see the kids who make fun of me marching around in heavy winds in winter or carryning around kit at 40 celcius in summer. I was in my parade uniform for the Rememberance day parade and after that, I had many older kids telling me how cool my uniform looked and a lot of the kids asked where they could join. (Sorry about the spelling mistakes, i have hte flu)
My first sergeant (im in the hutchinson sqaud. MN wing) thainks he has the best uniform ever but its not tht impressive.(at least i dont think so)
Yeah I've had problems with people trying to play with our drill rifles as well...but they generally back off when I ask them if they really want to play around with a "loaded" gun. every time...they drop it like it's on fire...never mind the fact that most of the Garands we use aren't capable of firing (aside from 7 we use for 21-salutes), which are kept off-site.
We were performing a change of command in a restaurant and the manager kept asking us if he could have on of the Springfield's
I was a Cadet for 8 years. Now I am in the reg force Infantry, have been overseas twice and have done a lot of cool courses. That being said, I had an amazing time as a cadet, I had some of the best summers of my life as a cadet. While your buddies are sitting at home all summer playing nintendo, think about what you people are accomplishing... When I was a cadet I had to wear a kilt (Scottish Uniform) and I had to wear it on the bus, on the subway, at school on uniform day. And sure, I got teased, but I just kept my head up and carried on, When you wear your uniforms wear them with pride, keep your head up and if someone makes fun of you, just walk right passed them, like a snob. With your chin up and your chest out, because hey, your the ones having the last laugh... Get what I am saying?
Pete031 said:
I was a Cadet for 8 years. Now I am in the reg force Infantry, have been overseas twice and have done a lot of cool courses. That being said, I had an amazing time as a cadet, I had some of the best summers of my life as a cadet. While your buddies are sitting at home all summer playing nintendo, think about what you people are accomplishing... When I was a cadet I had to wear a kilt (Scottish Uniform) and I had to wear it on the bus, on the subway, at school on uniform day. And sure, I got teased, but I just kept my head up and carried on, When you wear your uniforms wear them with pride, keep your head up and if someone makes fun of you, just walk right passed them, like a snob. With your chin up and your chest out, because hey, your the ones having the last laugh... Get what I am saying?

I agree with you all the way!
The solicitor general came to talk to my unit and the local army cadet unit and he was saying that not only did the training help him when he was in the RCMP and the reg force, but things like simply being away from home for weeks at a time helped a lot, while other guys in there 20's became home sick.
You guys have given me alot of insight. Next time i get joshed for being a cadet im gonna walk by with my head held high. Its pretty pathetic that we are gettimg made fun of for being in cadets though. But like you guys have said, We get alot of cool training and life skills and it'll give us an edge later on in life.
i got one teacher who was in the Navy, and when im in my MCJROTC uniform he kinda makes fun of me :lol:

and then i make fun of him :)

some of the kids are complete aholes to us, they salute us crappy and if we're just walking around will try to scuff our boots, or if theyre just plain jackasses with no respect, will even scuff our coraframs (SP?)
we've had a few cadets get jumped by pot smoking hippies but our guys are in shape and usually whoop their ass then dont get in any trouble unless they started it :rambo:
rotc boy said:

some of the kids are complete aholes to us, they salute us crappy and if we're just walking around will try to scuff our boots, or if theyre just plain jackasses with no respect, will even scuff our coraframs (SP?)
we've had a few cadets get jumped by pot smoking hippies but our guys are in shape and usually whoop their ass then dont get in any trouble unless they started it :rambo:

Ah the salutes, they give the british, the scout and the russian salutes, but never the right ones
rotc boy said:
will try to scuff our boots, or if theyre just plain jackasses with no respect, will even scuff our coraframs
That usually stops once it's been forced up their @$$. 8) It really works if they know what's good for them.
nulli secundus said:
rotc boy said:
will try to scuff our boots, or if theyre just plain jackasses with no respect, will even scuff our coraframs
That usually stops once it's been forced up their @$$. 8) It really works if they know what's good for them.

Now, now, we as cadets have to turn the other cheek. We ARE better then them so we have to keep our cool and earn the respect we deserve
Both of mine are very red. Besides, they can disrespect me for all I care. But when it's the uniform that many men and women have died in I can't turn the other cheek. They deserve a sore arse or whatever.
nulli secundus said:
Both of mine are very red. Besides, they can disrespect me for all I care. But when it's the uniform that many men and women have died in I can't turn the other cheek. They deserve a sore arse or whatever.

But thats not going to teach them a lesson (they all are just jealous because we get the girls anyways)

I had to tell off my family the other day. They don't want me to go into the military.

I have like a anti-military family and anti this and that even though my grandparents, cousins, and many aunts and uncles are in.

My Aunt came up to me and said i'm against this war and against the military, and i'm like well be glade that theres a constitution and you can say that and i walked away.

later my other aunt came up and asked me how long i would be in and i said how ever long my heart feels right, and she goes your stupid why do people do this and sign there selfs up for deaths. I told her that I was going into the USMC JAG program and probably won't see the front lines, but if asked I will gladly go for my country at any time. She said I can't believe you do that, why not make good money someplace else. i said i'm making good money your paying taxes and i'm sitting behind a desk filling out paper work taking your tax dollars, sounds like a good job to me.

I don't think i'm on the good side of my :P
cpl_clarke said:
I've been told that I'm a geek because I'm in cadets. Isn't it sad that you're now considered a geek for showing interest in the military? What have people said to you about being in cadets?

Ive only been laughed at and had someone mock a salute while i was in uniform