Thanks to America, I can barely f*cken afford anything as of late.
Same goes with my cousins in Albury, same goes to so many others I know in Australia, same goes to my f*cken sister in Serbia and various other family members and family friends in Serbia.
Actually, the only thing I can thank your beloved USA is for creating an utter pile of bull as of late. What else? Oh yeha, your CIA is pretty much just as bad as the KGB aswell [Though not as bad as NKVD].
I might aswell thank America aswell for 1999. Why didnt you bomb Tirane aswell? The reason the JNA fought against Albanians was because they started killing everyone that was Serbian in Kosovo, and commited crimes against humanity. Thus America plays along and bombs Belgrade, bombing various point of absolutely no military and strategic value, and dropping uranium f*cken bombs on us aswell.
Also, I give great thanks to America for torturing and the massacre of countless Vietnamese people in the 60's. Good on ya.
And if you ever picked up a book and read, you will notice that the Soviet Union:
1. Wasnt a Communist or Socialist Society
2. Did not support Marxism/Leninism
3. Stalin was a authoritarian dictator, not a Socialist, Communist or Marxist.
Sure, base your opinions on Communism on the USSR when it was pretty much the f*cken opposite. I never notice anyone base Socialism on Tito's Yugoslavia? Why is that? Maybe because over there life was good when Tito lead Yugoslavia? Of course, though, According to the accurate summary of Communism made by Americans, Communism = Evil and thus no good can come out of it.
Only thing the USSR was right about was banning religion, though it failed epicly and sprouted more hate.
And im curious, I dont know nothing about Israel so I want to learn something. Is there something wrong with that?
Oh wait, obviously, beeing from the East, I do not deserve an Education and am unworthy to be called a human.
Funny, because I lived in Eastern Europe for 2 years, and my family have lived in eastern europe for much much MUCH longer than I have. Lots of Europeans hate Russia, lots of them Like Russia.
Putin is an ass, Medvedev is an Ass, Ivanov is an ass. Voila, want me to smother it on f*cken toast for you?