Sports you played in High-School

football. only football. its impossible to play football and another sport here. football doesnt end....ever. there is no postseason. once the season and playoffs end, there is no break; its right back to training for the next season. I do wish we had a hockey team though. Im and offensive lineman varisty (im a senior so not anymore) and i play checking line D in hockey.
I play football, and i wrestle, truly the only two mens' sports in the USA!!!! I'm a reciever and safety if football, and i wrestled 103 lbs, this past year as a freshman.
ghost457 said:
I play football, and i wrestle, truly the only two mens' sports in the USA!!!! I'm a reciever and safety if football, and i wrestled 103 lbs, this past year as a freshman.

what kind offense and defensive schemes did your team run. mine was a split back triple option on offense and on D we ran a 3-5-3 slant mostly running cover 3, and occasionally cover 1 and man.
Netball seems to be an interesting game though I've never heard of it. Is that considered to be a professional sport or is it "street" sport?

It's a pro sport.



As for my sports,

Winter - Rugby, AFL
Summer - Cricket
thats the thign, aussie netballers are not professional!!
sure, they do everything professionally, but they are considered to be amateurs. thus, they train nearly every day, have all these extra commitments, and they get paid a pittance.
the sport is set up so badly, the only reason they play is for the love of the game
behemoth79 said:
ghost457 said:
I play football, and i wrestle, truly the only two mens' sports in the USA!!!! I'm a reciever and safety if football, and i wrestled 103 lbs, this past year as a freshman.

what kind offense and defensive schemes did your team run. mine was a split back triple option on offense and on D we ran a 3-5-3 slant mostly running cover 3, and occasionally cover 1 and man.
we ran the full house on offense (3 RB's) and we just switched over to a 4-4 defense, from a 4-3, we also do mostly cover 3, and some cover 1, but almost no cover 2
Hm...sad, I almost understood that....

I played soft ball for a league, so I never got involved with the school. I will however join the swim team for my JC, or maybe water polo....I'm still flip flopping, I love both sports....
Locke said:
what does that mean in english?

if by full house he meant the wishbone there heres a pic of it. 46.jpg

the 4-4 he was talking about lookes like so. (the "x" is the defense)

the offense in the pic above is the same as my offense (the "o"s)

also called a 3-3-5 stack, my defense looks like this Stack Cover 3 Zone.jpg
and what do the dots squiggles and lines mean?
im taking a guess taht X means, run like hell to here and then dont let the guy get past you?
Locke said:
and what do the dots squiggles and lines mean?
im taking a guess taht X means, run like h**l to here and then dont let the guy get past you?

Beats me but I am sure the "O's" have 3 in a row so they win.
dont worry about the lines. those are the coverages and the plays. just look at the Os and Xs to see how they line up. before you can understand the lines you have to understand the inside and outside veer. wayyyy too long to explain, especially in writing.
well, the defense is right, but in our offense the RB's were in a straight line, instead of a V, but the rest looks right
no, sorry for not being specific, i meant that they were in a straight line parallel to the offensive line, like this


not sure how guards and tackles are lined up, but thats basically how it was,

ps disregard the periods, they're just to keep everything lined up
ooo ok. i see now. we call that the T formation. what offense did u run out of that. I could see some triple option or a sick double iso. ooo i like it. ima make my JV boys run that this year along with our split backs. (im going to coach the offensive line of our JV team at my highschool when i graduate).
I wrestle (yes, i'm a girl, 103lb weight class) in the Winter Season and then I play Badminton in the Spring (both doubles and singles).
i feel your pain man, 103 all the way!!! lol, my average weigh-in was about 101 lbs, and none of it was muscle, i only won one match all season, and i tech-falled him, haha

anyways, yeah, a lot of iso's, not many options, and some RB screens, but mostly iso's, right up the gut baby!!!!
what kind of pass routes did u run out of that? we ran this one pattern with our split backs that can be used with your backfield as well. We called it Moses. Both backs ran swing routes and the TE ran a shallow slant to the inside. what the swing routes did were make the two inside backers spread apart... just like Moses and the sea.... and the TE snuck in undetected. you can also run that too. maybe add a Play Action with the fullback for some added movement.