If I was king of Israel I'd declare the West Bank soverign palestinian terroritory and forcibly remove all palestinians from everywhere else in Israel including the Gaza strip and Jerusalem.
And you know the way I would enforce it? With a wall.
So I think that history has proven walls to be effective blockades to determined agressors.
the palis can have gaza... it has no meaning for israel except security...
judea and samaria (or west bank as propoganda has labbelled it a million times till its imbedded in your skulls) has historical significance... before jews were massacred by arabs recently or kicked out by jordan (another make belief state, which really is palestine!) places like hebron were jewish areas for thousands of years...
I know I'm a bit of a pro-Isael extremist here, but I think it is high time you guys do SOMETHING drastic about this. I just couldn't imagine constant attacks by, oh say, the Native American Indians on the United States. We would genocide!
Rocco, Jordan is not a make belief country. You need to keep your attitude at check.
And Whispering Death, I dont wont to live in a country that dose that sort of thing. That was not the reason for millions of Jews comming here. If Israel gives up on democracy, whats the point of it all?
not always....wasn't untill the US/USSR global power politics came in. remember that isreal had pretty much beg borrow and steal any weapons systems it could. when the soviet bloc started arming the arabs, thats when the US started supplying the isreali's with modern firepower
Those global politics came into effect in 1945. Israel came into existence in 1948. While our support has been at different levels over the years, it has always been there to some extent since Israel achieved statehood.