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The climate change is interesting, it is very polarized between those who believe we are causing it and those who don't. This planet has experienced several climate changes during its existence (about 4.6 Billion years) Life on it has been here for about 3 billion years. These climate changes have caused mass extinctions, the most famous one is the End-Cretaceous 66 mya, but it wasn't the worst one. That one occurred 251 mya (End- Permian) and it seems a massive volcanic eruption caused the death of 75% of all species on land and 95% of all ocean living species. There are indications of we are in the sixth mass extinction now.
I am a somewhat analytical person by nature so I find the whole climate change argument to be ludicrous.
We can all agree that the climate is changing whether it is man made or entirely natural is irrelevant as we still have to adapt to the change no matter what the cause yet we spend countless hours arguing over the semantics of who did it and ignoring the actuality of what's happening.
It is a little like arguing over who caused food poisoning on the Titanic two hours after it the iceberg.