Rob Henderson Banned Jan 21, 2009 #13,864 Ugh... I don't wanna go... It's too damned early for a bass to be singing solo voce... Has the most understanding of choral/voice of anyone here besides me.
Ugh... I don't wanna go... It's too damned early for a bass to be singing solo voce... Has the most understanding of choral/voice of anyone here besides me.
AB_Shorts_Momma Milforum Otaku Jan 21, 2009 #13,865 Needs to drink more Coke and warm up those vocal cords! LOL
Rob Henderson Banned Jan 21, 2009 #13,866 LOL. Should know how bad it is to drink carbonated beverages shortly before singing.
AB_Shorts_Momma Milforum Otaku Jan 21, 2009 #13,867 Could say the same to you... but realizes you wouldn't listen anyway! LOL
Rob Henderson Banned Jan 21, 2009 #13,868 I drink nothing but water 1 hour before concert time. Thank you. Should realize I take my singing VERY seriously.
I drink nothing but water 1 hour before concert time. Thank you. Should realize I take my singing VERY seriously.
AB_Shorts_Momma Milforum Otaku Jan 21, 2009 #13,869 Should not be offended when remembering that he is getting ready for class, not a concert. Applauds the idea of only water for at least one hour before concert! (I like mine with lemon)
Should not be offended when remembering that he is getting ready for class, not a concert. Applauds the idea of only water for at least one hour before concert! (I like mine with lemon)