C c/CPT Horne Active member Dec 18, 2005 #522 needs to be more original (wow..6 posts without MacBeth. End of the world boys and girls..)
C c/CPT Horne Active member Dec 18, 2005 #526 Seems to believe a AJROTC cadet worships the AF....Funny..
C c/CPT Horne Active member Dec 18, 2005 #528 doesn't realize that spam is the ultimate canned meat. I feel mighty now...Hooah!
C c/CPT Horne Active member Dec 18, 2005 #530 doesn't realize he's getting nowhere, fast. Wow...in that case..is a good stereo-type for the Chairborne
doesn't realize he's getting nowhere, fast. Wow...in that case..is a good stereo-type for the Chairborne
C c/CPT Horne Active member Dec 18, 2005 #532 doesn't realize that at my school, you don't get c/CPT for being stupid
C c/CPT Horne Active member Dec 18, 2005 #535 took his sweet time to finnaly post again. Welcome back mate
C c/CPT Horne Active member Dec 18, 2005 #537 is one to talk. alright...forget this. AF boy? Truce? lets agree that we're both just punk kids.